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Chirality \Handedness\: right glove doesn't fit the left hand. Mirror-image object is different from the original object
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Example AFI has SOLD for $300,000 a European call on 100,000 shares of a non-dividend paying stock: S 0 =49 =50 r=5%=20% μ=13% T =20 weeks The Black-Scholes value of the option is $240,000 How does the Fl hedge its risk?
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Notation : European call C: American Call option option price price p: European put P: American Put option option price price So: Stock price today·Sr:Stock price at time X: Strike price D: Present value of T: Life of option
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UN/T 3 TEXT A PRE-READING QUESTIONS 1.Can you tell us something about Stevie Wonder according to our text? 2.What does the title mean? 3. What do you think of his accomplishment? ANSWER TO QUESTION (1) ? pop star/ born blind/ black/ poor family/ love music ? learn to play instruments very quickly/has been recording artist since the age of ten ? being an adult,encounter serious car accident/fight back from the shadow of death begin to pay more attention to the world outside/bring sunshine
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均匀磁场与矩形导体回路面法线 单位矢量e间的夹角为0=r/3(如图), 已知磁感应强度B随时间线形增加,即B=kt (大>0),回路的AB边长为4以速度v向右运动, 设t=0时,AB边在x=0处,求:任意时刻回 路中感应电动势的大小和方向
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Application of MR2T2 algorithm in statistical mechanics Canonical ensemble: Distribution function: p(rN)=exp(-E(rN)/KT)/Q Q= JdrN exp(-E(rN)/kT) Different states of the Markov chain: In the application of Metropolis algorithm to a simulation of molecular system, the states of the Markov chain correspond to different configurations of the molecular system
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16-2平面简谐波波动方程 一、平面简谐波的波动方程 Y B 参考点O点的振动方程为: y= cos+φ) 任意点(B点)的振动方程,即波动方程为: y= Acos(t-x)+
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15-6相互垂直谐振动的合成 质点同时参与两个频率相同的分振动: x=acos(t+1) 合成后质点的轨迹方程 + y2 2xy 2' A2 AA cos(2-1)=sin2(2-1)
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一、重点掌握化学反应等温方程。 二、掌握各种反应体系标准平衡常数和其他平衡常数的表 达式及相互间变换。 三、重点掌握温度对平衡常数的影响一Van 't' Hoff方程的 定积分式、不定积式。 四、 压力、惰性气体对气相反应平衡移动的影响和组成变化的计算。 五、了解同时平衡计算原则及方法。 六、了解真实气体反应以及混合物和溶液中的化学平衡。 5.1 化学反应的等温方程 5.2 理想气体化学反应的标准平衡常数 5.3 温度对标准平衡常数的影响 5.4 其他因素对理想气体化学平衡的影响 5.5 同时反应平衡组成的计算 5.6 真实气体反应的化学平衡 5.7 混合物和溶液中的化学平衡
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第五章习题解 (1)解:①冷凝器真空度为90kPa 绝对压强:101390=113kPa该压强下二次蒸汽温度Tk=473℃ 加热蒸汽绝压300kPa,对应温度T=13.3℃ 查NaOH溶液杜林图,50%NaOH溶液在113kPa下沸点84℃ A=84-473=36.7℃
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