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1 Neglect: A Disorder of Spatial Attention 1 Anjan Chatterjee 2 Bálint’s Syndrome: A Disorder of Visual Cognition 27 Robert Rafal 3 Amnesia: A Disorder of Episodic Memory 41 Michael S. Mega 4 Semantic Dementia: A Disorder of Semantic Memory 67 John R. Hodges 5 Topographical Disorientation: A Disorder of Way-Finding Ability 89 Geoffrey K. Aguirre 6 Acquired Dyslexia: A Disorder of Reading 109 H. Branch Coslett 7 Acalculia: A Disorder of Numerical Cognition 129 Darren R. Gitelman 8 Transcortical Motor Aphasia: A Disorder of Language Production 165 Michael P. Alexander 9 Wernicke Aphasia: A Disorder of Central Language Processing 175 Jeffrey R. Binder 10 Apraxia: A Disorder of Motor Control 239 Scott Grafton 11 Lateral Prefrontal Syndrome: A Disorder of Executive Control 259 Robert T. Knight and Mark D’Esposito Contributors 281
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“互联网+”的本质与进程 互联网+的动力之源 云网端、大数据和分工网络 “互联网+零售业” 网络零售释放内需潜力 “互联网+批发业” 产业集群线上转型 “互联网+制造业” 柔性化生产加速 “互联网+外贸” 跨境电商崛起 “互联网+农业” 老树发新芽 “互联网+金融” 普惠金融梦想成真 “互联网+物流” 电商物流异军突起
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■Describe the IPv6 address space,and state why the address length of128 bits was chosen. ■Describe IPve6 address syntax,including zero suppression and compression and prefixes. ■Enumerate and describe the function of the different types of unicast IPve6 addresses. ■Describe the format of multicast IPv6 addresses. ■Describe the function of anycast IPve6 addresses. ■Describe how IPve6 interface identifiers are determined. Describe how to perform bit-level subnetting on the subnet identifier portion of a unicast IPv6 address prefix
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■Describe the functions of the Neighbor Discovery(ND)protocol. ■List and describe the function and format of ND options. ■List and describe the function and format of ND messages. ■Describe which ND messages use which ND options. Describe the details of the address resolution,neighbor unreachability detection, duplicate address detection,router discovery,and redirect processes. Describe the host sending algorithm in terms of host data structures and ND messages
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A.1 Introduction A-3 A.2 Assemblers A-10 A.3 Linkers A-18 A.4 Loading A-19 A.5 Memory Usage A-20 A.6 Procedure Call Convention A-22 A.7 Exceptions and Interrupts A-33 A.8 Input and Output A-38 A.9 SPIM A-40 A.10 MIPS R2000 Assembly Language A-45 A.11 Concluding Remarks A-81 A.12 Exercises A-82
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■Define the address format,encapsulation,and intended use of the Intra-Site Auto- matic Tunnel Addressing Protocol (ISATAP)IPv6 transition technology. ■Describe how the IPv6 protocol in Windows Server2008 and Windows Vista supports ISATAP as a host and router. ■List and describe the routes on ISATAP hosts,ISATAP routers,and IPv6 routers that make ISATAP-based communication possible. Describe how ISATAP communication works between ISATAP hosts and native IPv6 hosts on an intranet. ■Describe how to configure a computer running Windows Server2O08 or Windows Vista as an ISATAP router
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第一节 营养的概念 第二节 网球比赛中运动员的能量供应 第三节 网球爱好者参与网球运动的营养与补充 第四节 网球运动与补水
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Foreword 2 Introduction 4 Risk tradition and risk trading 6 From conjecture to calculation 8 The birth of modern insurance 10 Global expansion 16 Reinsurance 24 San Francisco 26 Swiss Re History 30 Money matters 38 World War II 44 Booming economy and growing problems 46 More money matters 50 A poor start for the 21st century 54 Natural catastrophes 56 Financial catastrophes, regulation, and a positive outlook 60
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System compensation is the process of designing a controller that will produce an acceptable transient response while maintaining a desired steady-state accuracy .These two design objectives are conflicting in most systems ,since small errors imply high gains reduce system stability and may even drive the system unstable .Compensation may be thought of as the process of increasing the stability of a system without reducing its accuracy below minimum acceptable standards
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第一章 基础知识 第二章 输配电 第三章 变压器 第四章 电容器及无功补偿 第五章 电动机 第六章 短路电流计算 第七章 高、低压电器
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