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4.1齿轮传动机构的类型、特点和应用 4.1.1齿轮传动机构的类型
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一、凸轮机构的组成与类型 二、从动件运动规律设计 三、凸轮轮廓的设计 四、凸轮机构基本尺寸的确定 五、凸轮机构的计算机辅助设计
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2.1平面连杆机构的类型 2.2平面连杆机构的工作特性 2.3平面连杆机构的特点及功能 2.4平面连杆机构的运动分析 2.5平面连杆机构的运动设计 2.6空间连杆机构简介
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Chap. 9 Open Chain Mechanisms Chap. 9.1 Characteristics and Application Chap.9.2 Structure Analysis Chap.9.3 Kinematics of Open Chain Mechanisms
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Chap. 7 other mechanisms Chap.7. Universal joints Chap. 7.2 Screw mechanisms Chap. 7.3 Transmission mechanism using friction Chap. 7.4 Mechanism with flexible elements Chap. 7.5 Hydraulic and pneumatic mechanism Investigate and Review by Students
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一、概述 (一)形状和位置公差在机器制造中的作用 零件在加工过程中会产生或大或小的形状误差和位置误差(简称形位误 差),它们会影响机器、仪器、仪表、刀具、量具等各种机械产品的工作精度、 联结强度、运动平稳性、密封性、耐磨性和使用寿命等,甚至还与机器在工作 时的噪声大小有关
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Chap. 5.1 Introduction Chap. 5.2 The fundamental law of gearing Chap. 5.3 Gear tooth nomenclature Chap.5.4 Condition for Correct Meshing Chap. 5.5 Contact Ratio Chap. 5.6 Interference and undercutting Chap. 5.7 Gear types and Application Chap. 5.8 Ordinary gear trains Chap.5.9 Epicyclic or planetary gear trains Chap. 5.10 Applications of gear train
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一、表面粗糙度的实质 机械零件表面精度所研究和描述的对象是零件的表面形貌特性。 零件的表面形貌可以分为三种成分,如图2-45所示
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3.1 Types of the four-bar linkages 3.2 Variation of revolute four-bar mechanism 3.3 Application of the linkages 3.4 Characteristics Analysis of four-bar linkages 3.5 Velocity analysis by the Method of instant centers 3.6 Kinematic synthesis of four-bar linkages
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