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2011 Baseline Emission Factors for Regional Power Grids in China
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1。为何中国最早开始改革,而且采用渐进改革? a.毛主席的过世,领导人的替换减少了改革的意识形态的障碍。 b.打倒四人帮,邓小平等老一辈革命家需要取得正当性 legitimacy)中国和其他经济发展绩效的比较 (Per capita income in 1990 dollars)
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Our research program involves the design, synthesis, and detailed physical investigation of novel molecular and nanoparticle materials which display unique self-organized hierarchical structures and specific optical, electronic, andor magnetic properties. Emphasis is placed on materials with potential applications in light-emitting devices, optical memory devices, molecular level and single particle level switching devices, and chemosensory devices
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第1章绪言 一、是否题 1.孤立体系的热力学能和熵都是一定值。(错△U=0,H=0,但△S,△G和 △A不一定等于0,如一体积等于2V的绝热刚性容器,被一理想的隔板一分为二,左 侧状态是T,P的理想气体,右侧是T温度的真空。当隔板抽去后,由于Q=W=0, △U=0,AT=0,H=0,故体系将在T,2V,0.5P状态下达到平衡, AS=-RIn(0.5P/P)=RIn2,= AH -TAS=RTIn 2, 44=AU-TAS=-RT In2) 2.封闭体系的体积为一常数。(错)
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1. Recall the assumption for the CMLRM: (Homoskedasticity) 2. Counterexamples 1、rich family and poor family expenditures; 2、large company and small company sales. There exists heteroskedasticity in lots of econometric problems
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Three Alternative Strategies · Take position in: -the option and the underlying -2 or more options of the same type This is known as spread -a mixture of calls and puts This is known as a combination
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沉积岩(sedimentary rock) 成因:地表岩石破坏搬远沉积 硬结成岩 ·物质组成: 岩石碎屑 粘土矿物 化学沉积矿物 有机质及生物残骸
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风化作用( weathering) 在地表条件下,自然界的岩石受大气、水、生物 等因素影响,在原地发生机械崩解或化学分解,形 成松散堆积物的过程
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土的工程地质特征 1、土(soil)是各种岩石矿物颗粒组 成的松散集合体. 2、土体(soil mass)是由一定的土体材料组成,具有一定的土体结构, 赋存于一定地质环境中的地质体
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