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§7.1 气体动理论的基本观念 §7.2 平衡态、描述热力学系统的参量与理想统计模型 §7.3 平衡态下理想气体压强、温度的微观本质 §7.4 能均分定理 §7.5 麦克斯维速度与速率分布 §7.6 玻尔兹曼分布
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一、了解气体分子热运动的图像 . 二、理解理想气体的压强公式和温度公式, 通 过推导气体压强公式,了解从提出模型、进行统计 平均、建立宏观量与微观量的联系,到阐明宏观量 的微观本质的思想和方法 . 能从宏观和微观两方面 理解压强和温度等概念 . 了解系统的宏观性质是微 观运动的统计表现
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在许多实际问题中,气体常处于非平衡状态,气 体内各部分的温度或压强不相等,或各气体层之间有 相对运动等,这时气体内将有能量、质量或动量从一 部分向另一部分定向迁移,这就是非平衡态下气体的 迁移现象
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第二章讨论课 思考题 一、工质膨胀是否一定对外作功? 向真空膨胀,自由膨胀 二、定容过程是否一定不作功? 开口系,技术功y水轮机 三、定温过程是否一定不传热? 相变过程(冰融化,水汽化)
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19世纪后期,经典物理 学的三大理论体系使经典 麦克斯韦电磁场理论 物理学已趋于成熟
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时空本质上是四维的:3维空间+1维时间。 洛伦兹变换是一种线性变换它体现了四维时空的变换关系。 但是这种变换的特征是什么?物理量在坐标变换下怎样变换? 描写物理规律的方程在变换下是否不变?
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三维空间的正交变换 物理量按空间变换性质的分类 洛伦兹变换的四维形式 四维协变量 物理规律的协变性
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Nobel lecture december 12, 1933 On passing through an optical instrument, such as a telescope or a camera lens, a ray of light is subjec reflecting surface. The path of the rays can be constructed if we know the two simple laws which govern the changes in direction: the law of refrac- tion which was discovered by Snellius a few hundred years ago, and the law of reflection with which Archimedes was familiar more than 2,000 years ago
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That streams of electrons possess the properties of beams of waves was dis- covered early in 1927 in a large industrial laboratory in the midst of a great city, and in a small university laboratory overlooking a cold and desolate sea. The coincidence seems the more striking when one remembers that facil- ities for making this discovery had been in constant use in laboratories throughout the world for more than a quarter of a century. And yet the coincidence was not, in fact, in any way remarkable. Discoveries in physics are made when the time for making them is ripe, and not before; the stage is set, the time is ripe, and the event occurs-more often than not at widely separated places at almost the same moment
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When in 1920 I resumed my studies of theoretical physics which had long been interrupted by circumstances beyond my control, I was far from the idea that my studies would bring me several years later to receive such a higl and envied prize as that awarded by the Swedish Academy of Sciences each year to a scientist: the Nobel Prize for Physics. What at that time drew me towards theoretical physics was not the hope that such a high distinction
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