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They are solid, thinner filament structures (6-8 nm, in diameter) composed of a double-helical polymer of the protein actin. And microfilaments play a key role of in virtually all types of contractility and location of cells as well as motility within cells
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Countless divisions of a single-celled zygote produce an organism of astonishing cellular complexity and organiza- tion. Any individual cell is bound to die, because cells are subject to wear and tear as well as to accidents. 25 million cells are undergoing division each second in an adult human and blood cells renewed at the rate of about 100 million per minute. If an organism is to continue to live
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第四节原生动物 动物一运动、捕食生物 ·原生一最原始、结构最简单 的单细胞动物 Mikroskopische Bilder von Belebtschlamm 称x虫” 形体微小,在10~300mm之间 ,在光学显微镜下才能看见 ,归入微生物范畴
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1. A brief history of studies on the structrure of the plasma membrane 2. Model of membrane structure: an experimental perspective 3. The chemical composition of membranes 4. Characteristics of biomembrane 5. An overview of the functions of biomembranes
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1. Principles of membrane transport; 2. Passive transport and active transport; 3. Two main classes of membrane transport proteins: Carriers and Channels; 4. The ion transport systems; 5. Endocytosis and Phagocytosis: cellular uptake of macromolecules and particles
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(1) Mitochondria: in all eukaryotic cells The relationship between the structure and function of mit. (2) Chloroplasts: in plant cells The relationship between the structure and function of chl. Mit: Oxidative phosphorylation→ ATP Chl: Photosynthesis→ ATP+NADPH→ Sugar
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1. Compartmentalization in Eukaryotic Cells; 2. The structural and functional relationship between the ER, Golgi complexes, lysosomes and plasma membranes of eukaryotic cells; 3. The pathways of proteins targeting and sorting, and its mechanisms; 4. The ways of protein modifications and intracellular sites after they are synthesized; 5. Types of vesicle transport and their functions
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13.1 癌细胞的基本知识 13.2 肿瘤发展的阶段 13.3 肿瘤发生遗传学 13.4 肿瘤的表观遗传学改变 13.5 癌细胞中基因表达谱的异常改变 13.6 肿瘤诊断与检测 13.7 肿瘤治疗
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Section 1 Introduction of lipid Classfication and structure Distribution and function Digestion and absorption Section 2 Fat metabolism 1. Fat mobilization and hydrolysis 2. Fatty acid β-oxidation 3. Ketone body formation 4. Fat synthesis Fatty acid and glycerol synthesis Section 3 Metabolism of Phospholipid Phospholipids (PL) cholesterol and cholesteryl ester glycolipids lipoid Section 4 Cholesterol metabolism Section 5 the metabolism of plasma lipoprotein
文档格式:PPTX 文档大小:2.62MB 文档页数:63
1. Large four protein complexes Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ and Ⅳ embedded in the inner mitochondrial membrane. 2. Electron transport via the respiratory chain. 3. ATP synthesis by oxidative phosphorylation. 4. common poisons that block electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation. 5. Substrates shuttle into mitochondial respiratory chain
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