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甘肃农业大学:食品科学与工程学院(文献讲义)Metabolic and proteomic analysis of morel fruiting body(Morchella importuna)
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甘肃农业大学:食品科学与工程学院(文献讲义)Bacterial community associated with rhizosphere of maize and cowpea in a subsequent cultivation
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甘肃农业大学:食品科学与工程学院(文献讲义)实验九 霉菌的形态观察与鉴定(霉菌的无性孢子和有性孢子的形态观察)
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甘肃农业大学:食品科学与工程学院(文献讲义)High-throughput sequencing approach to characterize dynamic changes of the fungal and bacterial communities during the production of sufu, a traditional Chinese fermented soybean food
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甘肃农业大学:食品科学与工程学院(文献讲义)The potential of cottonseed hull as biorefinery substrate after biopretreatment by Pleurotus ostreatus and the mechanism analysis based on comparative proteomics
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甘肃农业大学:食品科学与工程学院(文献讲义)微生物的研究方法 Study Methods of Microbiology
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甘肃农业大学:食品科学与工程学院(文献讲义)Viral metagenomic analysis of the cheese surface - A comparative study of rapid procedures for extracting viral particles
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甘肃农业大学:食品科学与工程学院(文献讲义)Selective enrichment of bacterial pathogens by microplastic biofilm
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