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《电动力学》课程参考文献:Energy and momentum of light in dielectric media
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《电动力学》课程参考文献:Local detection of electromagnetic energy transport below the diffraction limit in metal nanoparticle plasmon waveguides
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(1) Mitochondria: in all eukaryotic cells The relationship between the structure and function of mit. (2) Chloroplasts: in plant cells The relationship between the structure and function of chl. Mit: Oxidative phosphorylation→ ATP Chl: Photosynthesis→ ATP+NADPH→ Sugar
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《人体的社交网络——共生微生物》课外文献阅读:Gut Microbiota Orchestrates Energy Homeostasis during Cold
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第一节 蛋白质 第二节 脂类 第三节 碳水化合物 第四节 能量(energy) 第五节 矿物质 第六节 维生素
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一 研究背景与光催化简介 Research Background & Introduction to Photocatalysis 二 光催化最新研究进展 Latest Research Progress on Photocatalysis 三 光催化技术应用示例 Application Examples of Photocatalysis Technology 四 展望 Prospects
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2. Inborn Errors of Metabolism Inborn errors of metabolism are rare genetic disorders in which the body cannot turn food into energy (metabolize food) normally. The disorders are usually caused by defects in the enzymes involved in the biochemical pathways that break down food components
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1. Origin of the Law of Gravitation 2. Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation 3. The Gravitational Constant G 4. Gravitation Near the Earth’s surface 5. The Two Shell Theorems 6. Gravitational Potential Energy
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18-1 Mechanical waves 18-2 Types of waves 18-3 Traveling waves(行波) 18-4 Wave velocity (speed) 18-6 Energy in wave motion 18-7 The principle of superposition 18-8 Interference(干涉) of waves 18-9 Standing waves 18-10 Standing waves and Resonance
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《复合材料 Composites》课程教学资源(学习资料)第二章 增强体_SiC whsker10 Role of Surface Energy in the Vapor–Liquid–Solid Growth of Silicon
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