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一、单项选择:(将正确的选项填入括号内,总分18分,每小题三分) 1.在图一电路中,已知u=15V,R=10Q2,R1两端能承受的最大电压为5V,求 A.B两点间至少串联一个多大的电阻才能正常工作。()
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一、判断下列说法是否正确,凡对的在括号内打“√”,否则打“×”。 (1)现测得两个共射放大电路空载时的电压放大倍数均为-100,将 它们连成两级放大电路,其电压放大倍数应为1000。() (2)阻容耦合多级放大电路各级的Q点相互独立,()它只能放大 交流信号。()
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1一半径为a的导体球,被围在内半径为 b、外半径为c,相对介电系数为的介质同 心球壳内,若导体球带电荷量为Q,求 D(r),E(r和导体表面 电势
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第15章电路方程的矩阵形式 本章重点 15.1割集 15.2关联矩阵、回路矩阵、割集矩阵 15.3*矩阵A、B、Q之间的关系 15.4回路电流方程的矩阵形式 15.5结点电压方程的矩阵形式 15.6割集电压方程的矩阵形式 15.7列表法
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void maino short int x Q0* printf(\8O的三次方是%dn”x)
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第12章静电场 P35. 12.3如图所示,在直角三角形q
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一选择题: 1.如图所示,一个带电量为q的点电荷位于立方体的A角上,则通过侧面abcd的电场强度通量等于:
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Unitl II. Listening Skills 1. M: Why don't we go to the concert today w: I'll go get the keys Q: What does the woman imply 2. W: I cant find my purse anywhere. The opera tickets are in it M: Have you checked in the car?
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Ⅱ. Listening skills Listening for Telephone numbers 1. W: I' m wondering if the weather will be good for us to go cycling on Saturday M: Let's call the weather office. I know the phone number. It's 661-3047. If the weather is going to be bad, we'll have to wait for another week Q: What's the phone number for the weather office?
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Inti I. Basic listening practice 1. Script M: I'm beside myself with joy. I'm so lucky. Guess what? I've won a lit of money in the lottery W: Yeah? Well, you do know that money is the root of all evil, right? Q What does the woman mean?
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