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西安石油大学:《电子技术基础(数字)Fundamentals of Electronic Technique(Digital Logic Circuits)》课程教学资源(电子教案,打印版)逻辑代数基础
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西安石油大学:《电子技术基础(数字)Fundamentals of Electronic Technique(Digital Logic Circuits)》课程教学资源(电子教案,打印版)组合逻辑电路的分析和设计
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西安石油大学:《电子技术基础(数字)Fundamentals of Electronic Technique(Digital Logic Circuits)》课程教学资源(实验大纲)电子工程实验
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复旦大学:《纳米线材料和功能器件》课程教学资料_纳米线的合成(一)_Controlled Synthesis of Millimeter-Long Silicon Nanowires with Uniform Electronic Properties
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:333.43KB 文档页数:4
复旦大学:《纳米线材料和功能器件》课外阅读内容_纳米电子材料与半导体器件_1_Lieber_Science05_Encoding electronic properties by axial modulation-doped SiNWs
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:231.3KB 文档页数:12
• Define the Internet of Things and discuss associated emerging security issues • Discuss nascent efforts to financially measure cybersecurity to make sound investment decisions • Explore the evolving field of electronic voting, which has been an important and open security research problem for over a decade • Study potential examples of cyber warfare and their policy implications
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《电子商务 E-business》阅读文献:纽约大学 Electronic Commerce
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This is the first book that can be considered a textbook on thin film science, complete with exercises at the end of each chapter. Ohring has contributed many highly regarded reference books to the AP list, including Reliability and Failure of Electronic Materials and the Engineering Science of Thin Films. The knowledge base is intended for science and engineering students in advanced undergraduate or first-year graduate level courses on thin films and scientists and engineers who are entering or require an overview of the field. Since 1992, when the book was first published, the field of thin films has expanded tremendously, especially with regard to technological applications. The second edition will bring the book up-to-date with regard to these advances. Most chapters have been greatly updated, and several new chapters have been added
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:30KB 文档页数:6
复旦大学:《营销管理》PPT课件讲义_Marketing in the Twenty-First Century:Electronic Commerce
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:3.18MB 文档页数:104
E-mail是Internet最早的主要应用之一。大 多数用户使用互联网络,都是从使用电子邮件 (Electronic mail,简称E-mail)开始的。 E￾mail有着广泛的应用,方便、经济、快捷。 提供Email收发的邮件服务器是各类网站的 一个重要组成部分,尤其对于一个独立的企业 或机构来说,建立邮件服务器是十分必要的
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