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了解酯的制备原理; 掌握共沸取水的原理和应用; 学习分水器的使用
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一.反应的类型 二.反应机理 1.E1机理 2.单分子共轭碱消除(E1CB机理 CB) 3.E2机理
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第四章环烃 第一节脂环烃 一、脂环烃的命名 环烃:由碳和氢两种元素组成的环状化合物
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第三章不饱和烃 第一节烯烃 一、烯烃的结构 烯烃:分子中含碳碳双键的烃。通式为CnH2n
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第十四章氨基酸和蛋白质 第一节氨基酸 一、概述 分子中含氨基的羧酸称为氨基酸
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The analysis of the outcome of a reaction requires that we know the full structure of the products as well as the reactants In the 1 gth and early 20th centuries, structures
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11. Carbonyl Alpha Substitution reactions and condensations
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ORGANIC CHEMISTRY The first question we need to ask ourselves s What is“ Organic Chemistry\?
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4.1 Addition of hx to Alkenes. p100 Hydrohalogenation General reaction mechanism: electrophilic addition Attack of electrophile(such as hBr)on T bond of alkene Produces carbocation and bromide ion Carbocation is an electrophile, reacting with nucleophilic bromide ion
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上海交通大学:《有机化学》教程教学资源(英文讲稿)06 Stereochemistry
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