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第一节 鼓励出口的措施 第二节 促进对外贸易发展的经济特区措施 第三节 出口管制方面的措施
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4、船舶买卖经纪人 船舶买卖经纪人是指以专门从事船舶买卖交易及其相关业务,并收取报酬的经纪人。 4、11船舶买卖经纪人的特点 (1)服务范围的特定性 (2)船舶买卖参与的广泛性 (3)船舶买卖经纪人一般不以独立经营人身份开展业务 (4)船舶买卖经纪人应具备船舶技术与商务运作方面的知识与经验
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一、经济制度 1、经济体制(economic system)一是指各种安排经济活动的制度与行为模式,是满足消费需要及资源配置的各种运作方式,如一国的法律、习惯、风俗、价值准则等即反映各种运作的方 式。 2、经济体制受哪些因素的影响? (1)历史、文化、宗教的背景; (2)人口、自然资源、气候、地形等条件; (3)领袖人物所倡导的思想意识; (4)追求理想与达到目的的各种主张; (5)追求经济目标时,人民的尝试过的方法
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From The Economist print edition Panos Is economic inequality around the world getting better or worse? CRITICS of capitalism are convinced that the gap between rich and poor is widening across the world. For them, the claim amounts almost to an article of faith: worsening inequality is a sure sign of the moral bankruptcy of \the system\. Whether rising inequality should in fact be seen
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\Picture Mom,dad, and the kids in an upper-middle-- Asian family in 100 years'time: After loading up with cash at the corner Citibank, they drive off to Walmart and fill the trunk of their Ford with the likes of Fritos and Snickers. On the way home, they stop at the American-owne Cineplex to catch the latest Disney movie, paying with their Visa card. In the evening, after putting the kids
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From The Economist print edition Why the world cannot count on a repeat of the 1980s PARALLELS abound between Ronald Reagan and George Bush. Like the Gipper, Dubya is a sun- belt conservative with fondness for his ranch. In all, Mr Reagan spent about one year of his eight-year presidency at his California retreat. Mr Bush has turned his patch of Texan scrub near Crawford into the hottest destination for world leaders
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Economist.comSURVEYS The price of profligacy Sep 18th 2003 From The Economist print edition How bad is America's borrowing binge? \I JUST think it's a meaningless concept\That was the verdict of Paul O'Neill, George Bush's plain-spoken first Treasury secretary on the current-account deficit. Mr O'Neill reckoned it was silly to worry about external imbalances in a global economy where capital flows
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20世纪80年代以来,在各国证券市场上发生了一 个重要现象,即个人投资者不断将自己的证券投 资事务委托给各类金融机构,从而使得机构投资 者的份额和地位日益上升:如日本在50年代时的 上市公司持股比率为个人70%,机构20%;到80 年代,个人持股比率已下降到20%,机构则上升 到70%。美国的机构投资者所占市场比重在1965 年为16%,1992年己高达48%。这些机构包括各 种共同基金、对冲基金、养老基金、保险公司等 。随着国际证券市场的发展,这些机构的证券投 资也日益向海外发展,成为国际证券投资的重要 主体
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中国周边安全环境的现状 摆脱了与所有国家的军事冲突; 在“搁置争议”的原则下,中国不但保持 了与周围邻国的良好合作关系,而且也正 在一步步推进边界问题的解决。 苏联威胁消失,中俄关系有了实质性改善。 中国同周边国家的睦邻友好关系全面推进。 促进地区稳定的多边安全机制不断发展
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南北关系指的是发展中国家 与发达资本主义国家之间的关系。 因大多数发展中国家地处南半球, 因此被称为“南方国家”,而发 达资本主义国家大多数地处北半 球,因此被称为“北方国家”
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