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A型题 1.直立时女性腹膜腔最低部位是 A.直肠膀胱陷凹B.坐骨直肠窝 膀胱子宫陷凹D.直肠子宫陷凹 E.肝肾隐窝 2.不属于腹膜内位器官的是: A.胃B.脾C.子宫D.输卵管E.阑尾
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1.脊髓 E.皮质脊髓前束 A.在成人,下端平齐第2腰椎下缘
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(一)目的要求: 1.掌握虫卵的外形特征。 2.了解成虫的外部形态和内部结构。 3.观察虫卵所致的肉芽肿,了解日本血吸虫的主要治病机理。 4.了解毛蚴孵化法和环卵沉淀法。 5.认识中间宿主
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子宫颈疾病 子宫体疾病 妊娠滋养层细胞疾病 卵巢肿瘤 前列腺增生 睾丸和阴茎肿瘤 乳腺疾病
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内蒙古医学院:《病理学》第十六章 寄生虫病(师永红)阿米巴病(amoebiasis)
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一、表皮 二、真皮 三、皮膚付属器 四、毛爪 五、皮脂腺 六、汗腺,汗器官
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Vibrio sp Gram-negative rods Curves or comma shaped Non-spore forming Highly motile-single polar flagella Associated with salt water Oxidase positive
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MYCOBACTERIUM THIS GENUS IS COMPOSED OF. Strictly aerobic, acid-fast rods, does not Stain well (gram stain indeterminant) DNA has high g+c content, unique cell wall, Mycolic acid carbon chain length c60 Relatively slow growth(two groups) A. RAPID GROWERS (Visible colonies in <5 days B SLOW GROWERS (Visible colonies in 5 days)
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Mycoplasmas a group of the smallest organisms that can be free living in nature, Pass bacterial filter and also grow on laboratory media. More than 80 species, belong to Mycoplasmatales of mollicute. 3 families can be divided:
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What does a pathogen have to do? Infect (infest) a host Reproduce(replicate) itself Ensure that its progeny are transmitted to another host
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