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让食盐或糖渗入食品组织内,降低其水 分活度,提高其渗透压,或通过微生物 的正常发酵降低食品的pH值,从而抑制 腐败菌的生长,防止食品的腐败变质, 获得更好的感官品质,并延长保质期的 储藏方法称为腌渍保藏。 盐腌的过程称为腌制;糖腌的过程称为 糖渍
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生命的基本特征 一、新陈代谢 有机体为实现自我更新,与周围环境之间所不断进行的物质交换和能量交换的过程。 1、合成代谢(同化作用):结构重建与更新 2、分解代谢(异化作用):破坏与清除衰老组织
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第一节感觉生理概述 感受器(感受细胞):分布在体表或组织内部的一些专门感受机体内、外环境改变的结构或装置
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DEFINE the terms organizational culture socialization. and career OEXPLAIN it is too simplistic to assume tha managers can state that they are creating a firm's culture ODESCRIBE the relationship between a society's culture and organizational culture OIDENTIFY specific practices and programs used by organizations to facilitate socialization
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Motivation DESCRIBE the three distinct components of motivation. IDENTIFY the need levels in Maslow's hierarchy. EXPLAIN Alderfer's ERG Theory. COMPARE motivators and hygiene factors DISCUSS the factors that reflect a high need for achievement. DEFINE the key terms in expectancy theory. DISTINGUISH between inputs and outputs in equity theory
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DESCRIBE the relationship between job design and quality of work life. IDENTIFY the key elements linking job design and performance. DEFINE the term job analysis. .COMPARE the job design concepts of range and depth
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Group is two or more individuals interacting with each other to accomplish a common goal. Team is a mature groups with a degree of member interdependence and motivation to achieve a common goal. McGraw-Hill/rwin
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The Concept of Power POWER INFLUENCE e Relationship between two Relationship between people two people o The potential to influence Induce someone to e capability to get someone behave in a certain to do something
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Vroom-Jago Leadership Model Based on the Vroom-Yetton Model Normative model or set guidelines Situations determine appropriateness of degrees of participative decision-making No one single leadership style was appropriate Leader needs to be flexible to change styles to fit specific situations
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Types of Decisions Programmed Nonprogrammed Repetitive and routine Novel and unstructured decisions and where a decisions required for definitive procedure is unique and complex developed to handle them management problems. McGraw-HillInwin
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