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第一节 蛋白质的营养作用 Nutritional Function of protein
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The cellular respiration (complete oxidation of fuels) can be divided into three stages Stage I All the fuel molecules are oxidized to generate a common two-carbon unit, acetyl-CoA. Stage II The acetyl-CoA is completely oxidized
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1糖的功能与分类 2单糖 3寡糖 4多糖 5糖缀合物
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第一节核酸的降解 进入磷酸戊糖途径或重新合成核酸
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3.1分类 3.2细胞破碎理论 3.3细胞破碎技术 3.4物理法和化学法的比较 3.5破碎方法的选择 3.6细胞破碎的评价 3.7基因工程表达产物
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糖的化学 (一)糖的概念 糖(carbohydrates)即碳水化合物,其化学本质为多羟醛或多羟酮类及其衍生物或多聚物
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1.1生化分离的一般过程 1.2生化产品的类型 1.3生化产品的特点 1.4生化分离工作的重要性
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一、什么是蛋白质? 蛋白质(protein)是由许多氨基酸 amino acids)通过肽键(peptide bond)相连形成的高分子含氮化合物
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Teaching assistant: Requirement: Write in English with correct grammar. Expressions made of only keywords piled together are NOT acceptable. Leave no chance for guessing
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1. A brief history of understanding protein metabolism; 2. The studies leading to the deciphering of the genetic codes; 3. The pathway leading to the synthesis of a functional protein; 4. Current understanding on protein targeting and degradation
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