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1.证明a(t)是常向量的充要条件是a(t)=0 2.证明()x()()x()+i()x 4.设向量函数a(t)满足a(t)a'=0,a(t)xa=0,证明a()是常向量。 5.证明F(t)=(2t-1,t2-2,-t2+4t)为共面向量函数
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Recently I wrote about 10 qualities of a good employee, which prompted quite a few people to ask about the attributes of a good manager. There isn’t a magic formula for good management, of course, but if you’re a manager, perhaps these tips will help you be more effective. 1. Choose a field thoughtfully. Make it one you enjoy. It’s hard to be
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Problem Set 4 Solutions Due: Monday, February 28 at 9 PM Problem 1. Prove all of the following statements except for the two that are false; for those, provide counterexamples. Assumen 1. When proving each statement, you may assume all its predecessors (a)a =(mod n) Solution. Every number divides zero, so n (a-a), which means a a (mod n). (b)a≡b(modn) impliesa(modn)
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一、选择题 (1)C)(2)A)(3)C)(4)D)(5)C(6)D)(7)A)(8)A) (9)B)(10)B)(11)C)(12)D)(13)C)(14)C)(15)C)(16)B) (17)A)(18)B)(19)B)(20)D)(1)B)(22)B)(23)A)(24)D) (25)C)(26)B)(27)B)(28)C)(29)D)(30)B)(31)A)(32)C) (33)B)(34)C)(35)A)
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1线性空间的定义 设V是一个非空集合,R为实数域如果对于任 意两个元素a,B∈V,总有唯一的一个元素∈V与 之对应称为a与的和记作y=a+又对于任 数∈R与任一元素a∈V,总有唯一的一个元素 δ∈V与之对应称为与a的积,记作δ=λa;并且这 两种运算满足以下八条运算规律(设a,,y∈V;
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在数的运算中,当数a≠0时,有 aa'==, 其中a=1为a的倒数,(或称a的逆); a 在矩阵的运算中,单位阵E相当于数的乘法运算中 的1,那么,对于矩阵A,如果存在一个矩阵A
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1 Equivalence Relations 【Definition】A relation R is defined on a set S if for every pair of elements (a, b), a, b S, a R b is either true or false. If a R b is true, then we say that a is related to b
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1 The Number-Picking Game Here is a game that you and I could play that reveals a strange property of expectation. 3, First, you think of a probability density function on the natural numbers. Your distri- bution can be absolutely anything you like. For example, you might choose a uniform distribution on 1, 2, ... 6, like the outcome of a fair die roll. Or you might choose a bi- probability, provided that,...,n. You can even give every natural number a non-zero nomial distribution on 0, 1 he sum of all probabilities is 1
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有界性定理 定理3.4.1若函数f(x)在闭区间[a,b]上连续,则它在[a,b]上有 界。 证用反证法。 若f(x)在[ab]上无界,将[ab]等分为两个小区间[aa+b]与 a+b,b,则f(x)至少在其中之一上无界,把它记为[a,b] 再将闭区间[ab]与等分为两个小区间a1,a1+b]与a1+b
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根据哈密尔顿一凯莱定理,任给数域P上一个级矩阵A,总可以找到数域 P上一个多项式f(x),使f(A)=0.如果多项式f(x)使f(A)=0,就称f(x)以A 为根当然,以为A根的多项式是很多的,其中次数最低的首项系数为1的以A为 根的多项式称为A的最小多项式这一节讨论应用最小多项式来判断一个矩阵能 否对角化的问题
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