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课程主要内容: •离散事件系统建模与仿真的基本原理 •离散事件系统建模与仿真的方法 •Petri网建模与仿真 课程的先修课程: •生产运作与管理 •运筹学 •计算机编程与应用技术 •概率论与数理统计 课程的考核方法: 完成相关作业及期末考核。 第一章 离散事件仿真的概述 1.1 离散事件系统仿真的基本概念 1.2 生产系统仿真的特征 1.3 服务系统仿真的特征 1.4 离散系统仿真的基本步骤 第二章 离散事件仿真的分析 2.1 随机数的产生 2.2 离散事件仿真建模 2.3 输入数据分析 2.4 输出数据分析 第三章 离散事件仿真的案例分析 第四章 离散事件仿真的逻辑分析 ——Petri网
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2.1 Introduction 2.2 General Concept of Automatic Control 2.3 Open loop control 2.4 Closed loop control 2.5 State Space of Control System 2.6 Urban traffic control system 2.7 Some other automatic controls
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4.1 Introduction 4.2 Root Locus Concept 4.3 The Root Locus Construction Procedure for General System 4.4 The zero-angle (negative) root locus
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理解公务员制度 Understanding civil service system 基本精神与特点 Basic spirits and characteristics
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山东大学基础医学院:《生理学 Physiology》课程PPT教学课件_The Nervous System 神经系统(含感觉器官)神经系统对内脏功能调节 Regulation of the Visceral Function by the Nervous System
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⚫ Motor Unit and Final Common Pathway ⚫ Spinal Reflexes ⚫ Function of Brain Stem ⚫ Function of the Basal Ganglion ⚫ Function of Cerebellum ⚫ Function of the Cortex
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Chapter 29. Cells in Nervous System and Their Function ⚫ Neurocyte ⚫ Neuroglia (Glia cell)
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4.1 Conflicts of the traffic at an intersection 4.2 Traffic Signals 4.3 Traffic Controller 4.4 Installation of traffic signals at intersection 4.5 Functions of Monitoring System 4.6 Traffic Detection and Data Processing 4.7 Traffic Detection Equipment 4.8 Environment detection 4.9 System Structure of Monitoring Center
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For the differential system characterized by its equations of state,specialization to invariance means that the system matrices A, B,C are constants
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1 Introduction 2 Deterministic Dynamic Programming and Viscosity Solutions 3 Stochastic Control 3.1 Some Probability Theory 3.2 Controlled State Space Models 3.3 Filtering 3.4 Dynamic Programming - Case I : Complete State Information 3.5 Dynamic Programming - Case II : Partial State Information 3.6 Two Continuous Time Problems 4 Robust Control 4.1 Introduction and Background 4.2 The Standard Problem of H∞ Control 4.3 The Solution for Linear Systems 4.4 Risk-Sensitive Stochastic Control and Robustness 5 Optimal Feedback Control of Quantum Systems 5.1 Preliminaries 5.2 The Feedback Control Problem 5.3 Conditional Dynamics 5.4 Optimal Control 5.5 Appendix: Formulas for the Two-State System with Feedback Example 6 Optimal Risk-Sensitive Feedback Control of Quantum Systems 6.1 System Model 6.2 Risk-Neutral Optimal Control 6.3 Risk-Sensitive Optimal Control 6.4 Control of a Two Level Atom 6.5 Control of a Trapped Atom
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