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(一)名词解释 1.两性离子:指在同一氨基酸分子上含有等量的正负两种电荷,又称兼性离子或偶极离子。 2.必需氨基酸:指人体(和其它哺乳动物)自身不能合成,机体又必需,需要从饮食中获得的氨基酸
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一、森林的地位和作用 1、森林在全球环境中的地位和作用 ——森林是陆地生态系统的主体。占陆地面积的34% ——森林是地球CO2吸收库(汇),是全球变暖的缓冲器 ——森林是全球生物地球化学循环的杠杆
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制剂包装材料对于药品的稳定性和使用安全性有十分重要的影响,其选择是否合适,应当考虑以下因素: ①包装材料能够保护药品不受环境条件入空气、 光、湿度、温度、微生物的影响; ②包装材料与药品不能发生物理和化学反应; ③包装材料本身应无毒性;
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solar energy as the driving force for this global process (Fig. 1). All living organisms also require a source of nitro￾gen, which is necessary for the synthesis of amino acids, nucleotides, and other compounds. Plants can generally use either ammonia or nitrate as their sole source of ni￾trogen, but vertebrates must obtain nitrogen in the form
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Ⅰ. Introduction and theory The modern computer has revolutionized the way we live. Not surprisingly, the computer has also changed the way we do biochemical research. Your first encounter with a computer in this laboratory will probably be while using an instrument that has a computer to control its operation, to collect data, and to analyze data. All major pieces of scientific equipment including UV-VIS spectrometers, high-performance liquid chromatographs
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一、实验原理 肌酸激酶 Creatine Kinase(CK)通常存在于动物的心脏、肌肉以及脑等组织的细 胞浆和线粒体中,是一个与细胞内能量运转、肌肉收缩、ATP 再生有直接关系的重要激 酶,它可逆地催化肌酸与 ATP 之间的转磷酰基反应: 肌酸激酶有四种同工酶形式:即肌肉型(MM)、脑型(BB)、杂化型(MB)和线粒体 型(MiMi)
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一、实验目的 本实验以酵母 RNA 为材料,将 RNA 用碱水解成单核苷酸,再用离子交换柱层析进行分离,最后采用紫外吸收法进行鉴定。同时通过测定各单核苷酸的含量,可以计算出酵母 RNA 的碱基组成
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Expression, Purification and Crystallization of the Mycobacterium Tuberculosis HSP16.3 Molecular Chaperone Background of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis HSP16.3 HSP16.3, a 16.3 kDa protein from Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, was originally identified as a prominent antigen (Kingston et al., 1987). During the stationary phase
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The surplus amino acids in animals can be completely oxidized or converted to other storable fuels Amino acids in excess (from diet, protein turnover) can neither be stored, nor excreted, but oxidized to release energy or converted to fatty acids or glucose. Animals also utilize amino acid for energy generation during starvation or in diabetes mellitus
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分子杂交与印迹技术的原理 核酸分子杂交(nucleic acid hybridization) 在DNA复性过程中,如果把不同DNA单链分子放在同一溶液中,或把DNA与RNA放在一起,只要在DNA或RNA的单链分子之间有一定的碱基配对关系,就可以在不同的分子之间形成杂化双链(heteroduplex)
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