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Background knowledge The English Channel: commonly called the Channel is an arm of the Atlantic Ocean separating the southern coast of England from the northern coast of france, and connecting the Atlantic in the west with the north Sea on the east via the strait of dover
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Useful Information Advantage of reading books. The old saying: \To open a book is always helpful.\clearly shows us how good it is to read a book. Reading is a good thing, but we must pay great attention t the choice of books. It's true that we can derive benefits from good books. As a matter of fact, books
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Nuclear power 1 Nuclear power can come from the fission of uranium plutonium or thorium or the fusion of hydrogen into helium. Today it is almost all uranium. The fission of an atom of uranium produces 10 million times the energy produced by the combustion of an atom of carbon from coal. By 1993, there'd been 109 licensed
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Background knowledge Four steps one has to go through in looking for a job: a. Look for a post in newspapers, on TV, etc. b. Write a formal application to the target company and follow up with a call C. Get an answer from the company d. Be interviewed by the company
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Translation( Chinese to English Unit 1 1.等我赶到顶楼会议室时,他们已经离开了。( by the time By the time I got to the meeting room on the top floor, they had already left. 这一节目迎合大众的许多不同的兴趣和品味。( cater)
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When Laura reached school-going age the discussions about moving became more urgent Her father did not want the children to go to school with the village children and for once her mother agreed with him. Not because, as he said, they ought to have a better education than they could get at Lark Rise; but because she feared they would tear their clothes
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1. My sister spend studying so that she might later get a better job [A]most of her times B]her most times C her most time Dmost of her time 2. We got down to business as soon as we each other [AJhad introduced to b had been introduced to [C]had introduced by [D]had been introduced by
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I. Complete the sentences with the best choice. Write your right letter on the Answer Sheet:(10%) 1. The teacher demanded that each student ( to class before seven o'clock. A. came B. come. comes D. would come 2. Seldom ( any mistakes during my past five years of service here. A. would I make
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1. For our English homework we have to write a paper. A three-thousand-word B. three-thousands-word C. three-thousand-words d. three -thousands-word 2. Jack English in the university for 30 years by the end of next mon A. will teach B. had taught C will have taught D. has taught
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1. My sister spends studying so that she might later get a better job [A most of her times B her most times [C]her most time [D] most of her time 2. We got down to business as soon as we each othe [A ]had introduced to [B] had been introduced to
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