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一、防火墙 1.防火墙基础 2.防火墙概念 3.防火墙功能 4.防火墙附加功能 5.外部攻击与防火墙对抗
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黑客攻击技术 一、黑客 二、网络攻击与防范 三、利用缓冲区溢出入侵系统例子
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复旦大学:《信息安全》教学课件_01 Classical Encryption Techniques
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信息安全专业参考书籍:《Mathematics for Computer Science》计算机科学数学(revised Monday 5th June, 2017,Eric Lehman、F Thomson Leighton、Albert R Meyer)
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信息安全专业教学资源(讲稿)Malware and Artificial Immune Systems
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复旦大学:《信息安全》教学课件_03 Modern Block Ciphers
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信息安全专业教学资源(讲稿)An Introduction to Artificial Immune Systems(ES2001)
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◼ Introduction to the Immune System ◼ Artificial Immune Systems ◼ A Framework to Design Artificial Immune Systems (AIS) ◼ Representation Schemes ◼ Affinity Measures ◼ Immune Algorithms ◼ Discussion and Main Trends
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信息安全专业教学资源(讲稿)Artificial Immune Systems——An Emerging Technology
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1 概述 2 电子政务法律体系 3 信息安全立法 4 计算机犯罪的法律防范
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