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一醇的工业制备 醇是最基本的有机合成原料,其工业制备方法如下: 1由合成气制甲醇 2由生物质制甲醇、乙醇 3由乙烯水合制乙醇 4由羰基合成/氢化制正丙醇
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1 An introduction to biotechnological innovations Industry G. Mijnbeek and C. K. Leach 2 Biocatalyst in organic chemical synthesis R O. Jenkins 3 Efficiency of growth and product formation R.O. Jenkins
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Continuous. Unlike batch it is not possible to identify all of the materials involved in the fermentation run
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Efficiency of growth and product formation 3.0 Introduction 3.1 Growth stoichiometry 3.2 Relationships between product formation and growth 3.3 Determination of maintenance energy requirement and maximum biomass yield
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5.1 Introduction 5.2 Metabolic pathways and metabolic control mechanisms 5.3 The industrial production of citric acid 5.4 The production of other TCA cycle intermediates 5.5 The industrial production of itaconic acid
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4.1 Introduction 4.2 Conventional protein sources 4.3 Single cell protein 4.4 Substrates for SCP production 4.5 Micro-organisms for SCP production 4.6 SCP from carbon dioxide 4.7 SCP from carbohydrates 4.8 SCP from hydrocarbons and derivatives
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2.1 Introduction 2.2 Micro-organisms as catalysts of organic synthesis 2.3 Enzyme preparations versus whole cell processes 2.4 Scale of production 2.5 Modes of operation of bioprocesses 2.6 Biotechnological processes verses chemical synthetic processes
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7.1 Introduction 7. 2 Origin and composition 7.3 Exopolysaccharide structure 7. 4 Medium composition for exopolysaccharide production
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9.1 Introduction 9.2 The structure, roles and abundance of sterols and steroids 9.3 Selective degradation of the sterol side chain
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8. 1 Introduction 8.2 Essential and nonessential amino acid 8. 3 Stereochemistry of amino acids 8. 4 Amino acid fermentation 8.5 Recovery of the amino acid from the fermentation broth
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