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1. Distribution of Deformation in the Crust divide the crust into deformation regimes based on temperature and depth A. Upper Crust (0 - 50 km)
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There will be a brief review of chapters 7 ñ 11 at the end of this lecture. There will be no lecture on Tuesday, November 13, 2001 (Reading Days)
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1. Draw a 2 dimensional Mohr Circle representation for the following stress conditions
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一、断层要素和位移 二、断层分类 三、断层类型 四、断层形成机制 五、断层效应 六、断层观察与研究 七、韧性剪切带
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1. What is the significance of the concept of \principal stress\? 2. Sketch a 2D stress ellipse for the case 01=5GPa and 02= 2GPa where 01 is vertical
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1. Place all books and notes on the floor. 2. Read each question carefully, then read it again
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1.力和应力的概念 1.1外力和内力 处于地壳和岩石圈中的任何地质体,都会受到相邻介质的作用力
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1. Place all books and notes on the floor. 2. Read each question carefully, then read it again. 3. ThinkThinkThinkThinkThink
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