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我国现阶段的所有制结构是: 以公有制为主体,多所有 制经济共同发展。 我国现阶段的分配制度是: 以按劳分配为主体,多种分 配方式并存
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一、其什么是金融资本?它是怎样形成的? 二、金融寡头是如何实现其在经济和政治上的统治? 三、垄断时期银行的新作用是什么?
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Introduction In this class, we again look at the stock return data, but with a very different view point; Previously, we examined the data through the \eyes\of CAPM. We had a noble intension, although it didn't work very well; Now we are going to get our hands \dirty\, and plunge
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INVESTMENTS Individhual assets and frontier portfolio So far we have learned: 1. Investor hold portfolios to reduce risk. \Non-systematic risks\ of individual assets does not matter. only \systematic risks\matter. 2. Investors hold only frontier portfolios. The natural questions to ask next are:
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Introduction The consumption-based model as a complete answer to most asset pricing question in principle, does not work well in practice; This observation motivates effects to tie the discount factor m to other data; Linear factor pricing models are most popular models of this sort in finance; They dominate discrete-time empirical work
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Stock market index Stock market index is an indicator that is designed to reflect the performance of an entire market or a particular market segment. Indexes have many uses in investments: --allow us to quickly and easily assess market performance; --Serve as underlying securities for futures and options contracts;
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General GMM formula Let y, be an h-vector of variables that are observed at date t, let denote an unknown vector of coefficients, h(e, y,) Be an r-vector real function. Let denote true value of 0, and suppose this true value is
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Our task How to estimate and test discount factor model. Ep,=E(m (data 1, parameter)) 1. Bring an asset pricing model to data to estimate free parameters. For example, parameter,yinm=B(c+1/c)-y Or the b in m=b f 2. Evaluate the model, is it a good model or not? Is another model better?
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博弈论(game theory)是由美国数学家冯 诺依曼(Von. Neumann)和经济学家摩根斯坦 (Morgenstern)于1944年创立的带有方法论性质 的学科,它被广泛应用于经济学、人工智能、 生物学、火箭工程技术、军事及政治科学等。 1994年,三位博弈论专家即数学家纳什(Nash, 他的故事被好莱坞拍成电影《美丽心灵》,该 影片获得了2002年奥斯卡金像奖的四项大奖)、 经济学家海萨尼(Harsanyi)和泽尔滕(Selten )因在博弈论及其在经济学中的应用研究上所 作出巨大贡献而获得诺贝尔经济学奖
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第一章证券投资工具 第一节证券概述 1、定义 证券是各类财产所有权或债权凭证的通称,是用来证明证券持有人有权依据券面所载内容取得相应权益的凭证。 比如股票、国债、企业债券、基金、商业票据、提单、保险单、存款单等
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