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本文在文[2]的基础上,对系统$\\left\\{ {_{\\frac{{{\\rm{dy}}}}{{{\\rm{dt}}}}{\\rm{ = a - }}{{\\rm{x}}^{\\rm{2}}}{\\rm{y}}}^{\\frac{{{\\rm{dx}}}}{{{\\rm{dt}}}}{\\rm{ = b - }}{{\\rm{x}}^{\\rm{2}}}{\\rm{y}}}} \\right.\\;\\;\\;\\;\\;\\;\\;(1)$(其中a>0,b>0)作了更深入的研究,从而得到当a-b≤(a+b)3时,系统(1)无极限环的结论,并指出了,当a-b>(a+b)3时,系统(1)的极限环的位置及其随参数a,b的变化情况
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1 The Number-Picking Game Here is a game that you and I could play that reveals a strange property of expectation. 3, First, you think of a probability density function on the natural numbers. Your distri- bution can be absolutely anything you like. For example, you might choose a uniform distribution on 1, 2, ... 6, like the outcome of a fair die roll. Or you might choose a bi- probability, provided that,...,n. You can even give every natural number a non-zero nomial distribution on 0, 1 he sum of all probabilities is 1
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say it just begins to live that day. Emily Dickinson, \A Word\ A particular string of sounds must be united with a meaning and a meaning must be united with specific sounds in order for the sounds or the meaning to be a word in our mental lexicon. A word, then, is a free form which does not consist entirely of (2/3) lesser free forms; in brief
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定义:对于A,若有B满足AB=BA=E,则称A为可逆矩阵, 且B为A的逆矩阵,记作A-1=B 定理1若A为可逆矩阵,则A的逆矩阵唯一 证设B与C都是A的逆矩阵,则有
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I THE EVIDENCE ON CONVERGENCE A Formal Legal Change B The Structure of Share Ownership C The Growth of European Stock Markets D The Emergence of an International Market for Corporate Control E A Preliminary Evaluation F The Status of the Insider-Dominated Firm II WHEN DOES SEPARATION OF OWNERSHIP AND CONTROL ARISE? A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE A The United States Experience 1 The Role of Investment Bankers 2 The New York Stock Exchange as Guardian of the Public Investor B The British Experience C A Civil-Law Contrast: The French Experience D The German Experience: Statist Intervention That Stunted the M arket E A Preliminary Summary III\ DOES LAW MATTER?\ RECONSIDERED A Law and the Decentralized Common-Law World B The Sequence of Legal Change: Reinterpreting LLS&V 1 The United States Experience 2 The Global Experience C The Political Theory of Dispersed Ownership D Implications for Transitional Economies IV C ONCLUSION
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Unit 1 Text A Who Is Great Text B How to Be a Leader Unit 2 Text A The Gratitude We Need Text B Why Manners Matter Unit 3 Text A How To Chang Your Point Of View ? Text B Lateral and Vertical Thinking Unit 4 Text A How to Become Gifted Text B The Truth About College Teachers Unit 5 Text A Prison Studies Text B Reading for Life Unit 6 Text A : The EQ Factor Text B : What’s Your Emotional IQ?
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一、单项选择题 题分 20 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 得分 答案 D B B A A C C C A A 题号 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 答案 C C C C C A A C A B
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一、单项选择题 题分 20 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 得分 答案 B A A B C D C A D C 题号 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 答案 C A A B B C D A B D
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第八章有理整数环 8-1有理整数环的基本概念 8.1.1有理整数环的基本概念 全体整数所组成的集合中有两种运算:加法和乘法,而且它们满足下面运算法则: (1)加法满足结合律; (2)加法满足加换律 (3)有一个数0,是对任意整数a,0+a=a; (4)对任意整数a,存在整数b,使b+a=0 (5)乘法满足结合律 (6)有一个数1,是对任意整数a,la=a
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特征值 一、基本要求 1.理解矩阵的特征值、特征向量的概念并掌握其求法; 2.了解相似矩阵的概念、性质及矩阵对角化的充要条件,会化矩阵为相似对角形 二、内容提要 1.特征值与特征向量 设A为n阶方阵,a为n维非零列向量,为一个数,使得则称为A的一个特征值,a为A对应于的一个特征向量 2.特征向量的性质 (1)对应于不同特征值的特征向量是线性无关的 (2)同一特征值的特征向量a1,a2,…,am的任意非零线性组合
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