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(一)名词解释 1. 生物氧化(biological oxidation) 2. 呼吸链(respiratory chain) 3. 氧化磷酸化(oxidative phosphorylation) 4. 磷氧比 P/O(P/O) 5. 底物水平磷酸化(substrate level phosphorylation) 6. 能荷(energy charge):
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分布式燃气冷热电联供系统(DES/CCHP)是一种建立在能量梯 级利用概念基础上,以天然气为一次能源,同时产生电能和可用热 (冷)能的分布式供能系统。 作为能源集成系统(Integrated Energy Systems),冷热电联供 系统按照功能可分成三个子系统:动力系统(发电)、供热系统(供 暖、热水、通风等)和制冷系统(制冷、除湿等)
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Heat Transfer Su Yongkang School of Mechanical Engineering Internal Flow Heat Transfer Where we’ve been …… Introduction to internal flow, basic concepts, energy balance
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Heat Transfer Su Yongkang School of Mechanical Engineering Boundary Layer Similarity Parameters The boundary layer equations (velocity, mass, energy continuity) represent low speed, forced convection flow
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Functions of Nucleotides RNA and DNA components serving as energy stores for future use in phosphate transfer reactions. These reactions are predominantly carried out by ATP
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solar energy as the driving force for this global process (Fig. 1). All living organisms also require a source of nitro￾gen, which is necessary for the synthesis of amino acids, nucleotides, and other compounds. Plants can generally use either ammonia or nitrate as their sole source of ni￾trogen, but vertebrates must obtain nitrogen in the form
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The safe and reliable long-term disposal of solid waste residues is an important component of integrated waste management. Solid waste residues are waste components that are not recycled, that remain after processing at a materials recovery facility, or that remain after the recovery of conversion products and/or energy. Historically, solid waste has been placed in the soil in the earth's surface or deposited in the oceans
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Chemical dynamics is a field in which scientists study the rates and mechanisms of chemical reactions. It also involves the study of how energy is transferred among molecules as they undergo collisions in gas-phase or condensed-phase environments. Therefore, the experimental and theoretical tools used to probe chemical dynamics must
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Today’s Topics Specific fuel consumption and Breguet range equation Transonic aerodynamic considerations Aircraft Performance – Aircraft turning – Energy analysis – Operating envelope
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The result appears to be trivial, but it is not. Notice that the “velocity increment” ∆V is actually equal to the decrease in orbital velocity. The rocket is pushing forward, but the velocity is decreasing. This is because in a r-2 force field, the kinetic energy is equal in magnitude but of the opposite sign
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