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VPDN是L2TP模块以及PPTP模块中和VPDN组打交道的一个子模块,主要用于创建 和管理VPDN组信息,NAC(Network Access Concentrator)和ns(Network Server 又称 Tunnel Server)都需要从VPDN组配置中获取相关的信息,用于创建通道和会话
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下面是打开 debug信息,并观察到的端口备份功能的相关信息
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Part 1 Objectives Part 2 Discussion Part 3 Background Part 4 Structure Study Part 5 Language points Part 6 Content Questions
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Text A All the Cab Had Was a Letter Part 1 Objectives Part 2 Cultural Notes Part 3 Text Structure Part 4 Language Points Part Content Questions
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Teaching Objectives 1)understand the main idea(despite the many negative effects of virtual life the author prefers it to real life) and the structure of the text(contrast between virtual life and real life); -2)learn some rules of interpreting new vocabulary
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grasp the main idea(we should adopt a sensible environmentalism) and the structure of the text(each part containing a contrast) 2)appreciate the various argumentative skills employed in the text 3master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text
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At least 90 percent of UFO sightings can be identified as conventional objects, although time-consuming investigations are often necessary for such identification. The objects most often mistaken for UFOs are bright planets and stars aircraft, birds, balloons kites aerial flares, peculiar clouds, meteors and satellites. The remaining sightings most likely can be attributed to other mistaken sightings or to inaccurate reporting hoaxes or delusions although to disprove all claims made about UFOs is impossible
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Objectives Students will be able to: 1. understand the main idea(cloning is a two- edged sword) and structure of the text; 2. appreciate the writing strategies employed by the author, 3. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;
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Text AA Friend In Need Objectives Background Discussion Structure Study Need Language Study
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8.1正弦波振荡电路 8.2非正弦信号发生电路
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