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International Trade Chapter 1 Introduction to International Trade 1.1The definition of international trade International trade can be defined as the exchange of goods and services produced in one country (or district) with those produced in another country(or district)
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第一节 概述 General Introduction 第二节 缺氧的原因和发生机制 Causes and Mechanisms of Hypoxia 第三节 缺氧对机体的影响 Effects of Hypoxia 第四节 治疗缺氧的病理生理基础 (Pathophysiological basis of treatment for hypoxia)
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MIT OCW DATA COMMUNICATION CONTENTS Lectures 2 The Data Link Layer: Framing and Error Detection Lectures 3 4 The Data link layer: arQ Protocols Lectures 5 6 Introduction to Queueing Theory Lectures 8&9 M/G/I Queues
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 6. 111-Introductory Digital Systems Laboratory Project Information Introduction The term project in 6 1 1 1 is your opportunity to specify a small digital system. You will
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第一节 概 述 Introduction 第二节 脂肪的分解代谢 Metabolism of Triglyceride 第三节 脂肪的合成代谢 Metabolism of Triglyceride 第 四 节 脂肪代谢的调控 Metabolism of Phospholipid 第五节 类脂的代谢 Metabolism of Phospholipid 第 六 节 脂类在体内运转的概况 Metabolism of Lipoprotein
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一、生物化学的概念与研究内容 1、生物化学的概念: 传统定义:生物化学是运用化学、物理学和生物学 的现代理论和技术,研究生物体的物质组成与结构 、物质代谢与能量转变,以这些变化与生理机能之 间关系的一门科学。即在分子水平上研究生命现象 的化学本质的科学
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Courtesy or Eric Feron and Sommer Gentry. Used with permission. Introduction to Linear Programming Eric Feron (updated Sommer Gentry)
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Outline The promise of autonomous explorers The challenge of autonomous explorers Agents great and small Course objective 1(16.410/13) Principles for Building Agents Course objective 2(16.413) Building an Agent The Mars exploration rover(MEr) project
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Introduction-1导引-1 The finite element method is an extension of the analysis techniques(matrix method) of ordinary framed structures. 有限元法是刚架结构分析技术的扩充。 The finite element method was pioneered in the aircraft industry where there was an urgent need for accurate analysis of complex airframe 有限元法首先应用于飞机工业
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Introduction引言 20-1 Atomic Spectra 原子光谱的规律性 20-2 Bohr Model of Hydrogen Atom 玻尔的氢原子理论 20-3 De Broglie's Postulate and Matter Waves德布罗意波粒波二象性 20-4 The Uncertainty Principle 不确定度关系 20-5 The Wave Function and Schrodinger Equation波函数薛定谔方程 20-6 The infinite Potential Well 一维无限深的势阱
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