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#include #define n1 2 #define n2 3 void maino int a[NIJ[N2], b[N2JINI]i
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#include void maino short S long int I float f
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#include void maino int i, *p, a[10] /指针指向数组a的首地址*
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一、矩阵的概念和基本运算 矩阵的定义 由m×n个数an(i=1,2,,mj=1,2,…n)排成的m行n列的数表
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目录 1.总产出的决定因素 2.国民收入分配 3.产品市场均衡 4.可贷资金市场均衡 5.一般均衡和S,I变动 6.本章小结
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一、I/接口电路的典型结构 二、无条件传送方式 三、查询传送方式 四、中断工作过程
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如图所示电路,其中电源电动势为E= sinot(E、都是 常数),电阻R和电感L都是常量,求电流i(t)所满足的微分方程 由电学知道,当电流变化时
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1质量m=10kg的质点受力F=30+40t 的作用,且力方向不变.t=0s时从v=10ms-1 开始作直线运动(v方向与力向相同),求: (1)0~2s内,力的冲量I;(2)t=2s时质点的速 率v2.(式中力的单位为N,时间单位为s.) 解(1)1-F(dt=30+40dt=140Ns
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Good morning everybody. I am very happy to give bilingual class to you this semester. You are about to begin what could be one the most exciting course that you will undertake in university. It offers you the opportunity to learn what makes our world\tick\ and to gain insight into the role physics plays in our everyday lives
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练习: 设 In sin xdx,已知ln=n1 In-2,求I和
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