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Almost all research papers are expositions. The word exposition quite literally means to set forth a subject. It appeals to the understanding and it is the most common kind of writing, for it is applicable to any task that challenges the understanding--the definition of a word the way to a street address the structure of a plant, the mechanism of a watch, the cause of a historical event the meaning of a philosophy
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The Lathe And Its Construction A lathe is a machine tool used primarily for producing surfaces of revolution and flat edges. Based on their purpose, construction, number of tools that can simultaneously be mounted and degree of automation, lathes-or, more accurately, lathe-type machine tools-can be classified as follows:
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备料的基本过程: 1.原料的贮存 2.原料的处理 3.处理后料片的输送和贮存
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第一节 化学法制浆的分类与基本概念 第二节 蒸煮原理 第三节 蒸煮方法与蒸煮技术 第四节 蒸煮设备 第五节 化学浆的质量标准、性质与用途
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第一节 纸浆的洗涤与废液的提取 第二节 纸浆的筛选与净化 第三节 纸浆的浓缩与贮存
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第一节 概述 一次纤维(原生纤维) Virgin fiber 二次纤维 Secondany fiber, Recycled fiber 第二节 废纸的离解与废纸浆的净化与浓缩 第三节 废纸脱墨(Waste Paper Deinking) 废纸脱墨:印刷过废纸→除油墨→白纸浆,使用价值 脱墨浆
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一、添料(调料)的目的 提高纸页质量,赋予纸页某些特殊功能
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干燥部 1.概述 干燥部占造纸机总设备投资和运行费用的一半以上
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