1. Software Testing Background a. What is the software defect? b. Why do bugs occur? c. The Cost of bugs? d. What exactly does a tester do? e. The making of a software tester 2. The Software Development Process a. What is a software product? b. Software Project staff c. Software Lifecycle Models 3. The Realities of Software Testing a. Testing Principles b. Terms and Definitions for software testing
1. 设 n 个人围坐在一个圆桌周围,现在从第 s 个人开始报数,数到第 m 个人,让他出局; 然后从出局的下一个人重新开始报数,数到第 m 个人,再让他出局,。。。,如此反复直到 所有的人都出局为止。下面要解决的 Josephus 问题是:对于任意给定的 n,s 和 m,求出 这 n 个人的出局序列。请以 n=9,s=3,m=4 为例,模拟 Josephus 的求解过程求问题的解