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Revealed Preference Analysis Suppose we observe the demands (consumption choices) that a consumer makes for different budgets. This reveals information about the consumer's preferences. We can use this information to
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Structure Describing technologies Production set or technology set Production function Isoquant Marginal product Returns to scale Technical rate of substitution well- behaved technologies Long run and short run
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Structure The cost minimization problem Average costs Returns to scale and total and average costs Short run and long run costs
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Assets An asset is a commodity that provides a flow of services over time. E.g. a house, or a computer. A financial asset provides a flow of money over time -- a security
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一、市场类型的比较 二、垄断行业的含义 三、垄断力量的来源
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一、生产函数的概念 1.定义 描述生产技术状况给定条件下,生产要素的投入量与最大产出量之间的物质数 量关系的函数式
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一、对生产要素的需求和派生需求 (一)生产要素的类型 1.土地——地租 2.劳动——工资 3.资本——利息 4.企业家职能——企业利润
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一、成本的含义 1.定义 生产某种产品一定产量所耗费的各种生产要素的总价值
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Structure Types of cost curves Fixed, variable and total cost functions Average fixed, average variable and average cost functions Marginal cost functions Marginal and variable cost functions Marginal and average cost functions Short run and long run cost curves
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