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451.Cardiac contractility is influcenced by( ):(记忆,难) A preload B afterload C heart rate D cardiac rhythm E all above is correct
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Summarization Definition: serum total bilirubin(STB)> 34umol/L. causing a yellow color of skin. sclera and tissue fluid Latent icterus: an increase of stb but not more than 34umol/L, without color changes of skin and sclera
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Diagnosis of cardiac and respiratory arrest Traditional methods : 1. Carotid pulse check by lay rescuers 2. Loss of consciousness 3. Pupil dilation 4. Respiratory arrest
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一、概述 二、历史源流 三、范围 四、诊断要点 五、辨证论治
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Contents Normal anatomy,physiology and metabolism of the kidney Clinical manifestation of renal disease Diagnosis and treatment
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Water and Sodium Metabolism Control of water excretion Control of sodium excretion Hyponatremia and hypernatremia
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Classification Prerenal ARF Intrinsic renal ARF Postrenal ARF
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Anemia of increased destruction Normochromic, normochromic anemia Shortened RBC survival Reticulocytosis--Response to increased RBC destruction Increased indirect bilirubin Increased LDH
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Chronic Renal Insufficiency Pathogen and pathogenesis Manifestation Laboratory examination Diagnosis and differential diagnosis Treatment
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Definition Absent iron-store hemoglobin synthesis↓ A microcytic and hypochromic anemia The most common nutritional anemia
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