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设凹镜是由xOy面上曲线L:y=y(x)(y>0)绕x轴旋转而成, 光源在原点.确定函数y(x)所满足的微分方程 在L上任取一点M(x,y),作L的切线交x轴于A.点O发出的 光线经点M反射后是一条平行于x轴射线.由光学及几何原理 可以证明OA=OM
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02-01-05一级考试选择题(M) 1、在计算机上播放VCD采用的是() A)人工智能B)网络技术C)多媒体技术D)数据库技术 2、下列访问速度最快的是() A)硬盘B)光驱C)内存D)寄存器 3、下面叙述中,()是错误的。 A)光标是显示屏上指示位置的标志 B)总线是计算机各部件之间传输信息的公共通道 C)磁盘驱动器磁头既能从磁盘读取数据,也能将数据写入磁盘 D)不存在非冯·诺依曼体系结构的计算机 4、字母字符在计算机中的大小比较一般是根据()
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In this lecture, we consider the problem of a body in which the mass of the body changes during the motion, that is, m is a function of t, i.e. m(t). Although there are many cases for which this particular model is applicable, one of obvious importance to us are rockets. We shall see that a significant fraction of the mass of a rocket is the fuel, which is expelled during flight at a high velocity and thus, provides the propulsive force for the rocket
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A matrix is a rectangular array of numbers. A matrix with m rows and n columns is called an m × n matrix. The plural of matrix is matrices. A matrix with the same number of rows as columns is called equal if they have the same number of rows and the same number of columns and the corresponding entries in every position are equal
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设有质点M,质量为m,在外力作用下,以加速度a运 动,根据牛顿第二定理,有:F=ma。由反作用力定律 可知,质点必须同时对施力物体有一反作用力,其大小 与F相同,方向相反F=-ma,。则F称为惯性力。 一个具有加速度的质点的惯性力,大小为质点的质 量与加速度的乘积,而方向与加速度方向相反,惯性力 作用在使该质点产生加速度的施力物体上。 在自然坐标系中,切向惯性力和法向惯性力在自然 坐标轴上的投影为:
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第二章矩阵及其运算 2.1矩阵 1.方程组由其系数和右端项确定 a21a22 b : + x2 ++ =bm am2 ammb 2.矩阵设mn个数a(i=1,2,m;j=1,2n)排成m行n列的数表
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第八章点的合成运动 8.1已知光点M沿y轴作谐振动,运动方程为 =0, y =a cos(kt +) 感光纸带以等速v向左运动; 求点M在纸带上投影的轨
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II. Listening Skills Listening to People talk about health 1. M: I haven't been to see my doctor for a very long time. I'm worried that he'll be angry with me for not having a physical examination for so long w: Which is more important, the doctors feelings or your health? Youd better go if you want to make sure everything is all right with you. It seems that the man worries more about the doctor's feelings than his own healtl
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第一节 概 述 第二节 药物代谢的酶( E n z y m e s f o r D r u g M e t a bo lism) 第三节 第Ⅰ相的生物转化(PhaseⅠ B iotransformation)
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1.在齿轮传动的设计和计算中,对于下列参数和尺寸应标准化的有(1)、(6);应 圆整的有(5)、(9);没有标准的化也不应圆整的有(2)、(3)、(4)、 (7)、(8)、(10) (1)斜齿圆柱齿轮的法面模数m(2)斜齿圆柱齿轮的端面模数m (3)分度圆直径d;(4)齿顶圆直径da(5)齿轮宽度B (6)分度圆压力角a;(7)斜齿轮螺旋角B;(8)变为系数x; (9)中心距a; (10)齿厚s
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