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1. Hemoglobin is a multisubunit allosteric protein that carries 02 in erythrocyte. 1.1 Hemoglobin is a well-studied and well-understood protein. 1.1.1 It was one of the first proteins to have its molecular mass accurately determined. 1.1.2 The first protein to be characterized by ultracentrifuge. 1.1.3 The first protein to be associated with a specific physiological function
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第一节 概述 第二节 氨基酸 第三节 蛋白质的一级结构 第四节 蛋白质的空间结构与功能 第五节 蛋白质的重要理化性质 第六节 蛋白质相对分子量的测定
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一、填空题 1.氨基酸的等电点(pI)是指________________。 2.氨基酸在等电点时,主要以________________离子形式存在,在 pH>pI的溶液中,大部分以________________离子形式存在,在 pH
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1. General studies of the peptide bond 1.1 The peptide(O=C-N-H) bond was found to be shorter than the C-N bond in a simple amine and atoms attached are coplanar. 1.1.1 This was revealed by X-ray diffraction studies of amino acids and of simple dipeptides and tripeptides. 1.1.2 The peptide (amide) bond was found to be about 1.32 A (C-N single bond, 1.49; C= double bond, 1.27), thus having partial double bond feature (should be rigid and unable to rotate freely)
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Gene mutation and evolution Gradual accumulation of mutations over long periods of time results in new biological species, each with a unique DNA sequence. Mutations and stabilization of mutations to new species. Charles Darwin: Unifying evolution theory-the origin of species from a common ancestor
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Histones vs Nonhistone Histones are small, very basic proteins rich in lysine and arginine. The histones are the basic building blocks of chromatin structure. The nucleoids of prokaryotic cells also have proteins associated with DNA, but these proteins are quite different from the histones and do not seem to form a comparable chromatin structure. Nonhistone chromosomal proteins-The histones are accompanied
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主要介绍氨基酸、肽和蛋白质的结构、性质、 功能以及蛋白质的结构与功能的关系。还介绍 了一些基本技术如氨基酸的分离、纯化,多肽 的人工合成,蛋白质的分离、纯化、鉴定等
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1.蛋白质空间结构的研究方法 (1)x射线衍射法(x-ray- diffraction method) (2)核磁共振(NMR) (3)光谱法(红外光谱、紫外差光谱、荧光光谱) (4)旋光色散法(optical rotatory dispersion,oRd) (5)园二色性(circular dichroism,cd
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Chapter Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins 0. General Introduction Proteins are polymers(多聚体) of amino acids. -20 amino acids(氨基酸)→ millions of proteins with different properties and activities. Protein structures are studied at primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary levels. -a helix, B sheets, globular, complexes, denaturation and folding. Proteins have widely diverse forms and functions
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1. The B-DNA structure found in solution is a A right-handed double helix of antiparallel chains (11 bp/turn) B left-handed double helix of antiparallel chains (~10 bp/turn) C right-handed double helix of antiparallel chains (~10 bp/turn). D left-handed zig-zag helix of antiparallel chains(12 bp/turn)
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