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Chapter 9 The World Wide Web Requirements: 1、理解万维网(World Wide Web)的工作原理; 2、能够描述 Internet和万维网的特征及其服务; 3、了解学术论文写作的有关知识
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肖宏,1967年2月出生, 安徽省阜阳市人。现任中国科学院上海生命科学 信息中心主任。兼任《中国药理学报》和《亚洲男科学杂志》编辑部主 任,《家庭用药》杂志总编辑,中国期刊协会理事,中国科技期刊编辑 学会理事,上海市期刊协会副会长, 上海市科技期刊编辑学会副理事长等 职务
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1. How to cite references in your text 2. How to organize references 3. Abstract 4. Archival documents 5. Audiovisual material 6. Book 7. Conference proceedings, paper, poster session 8. Database 9. Dissertation or thesis 10. Electronic sources 11. Email, mailing list, blog 12. Film 13. Interview 14. Journal article 15. Legal materials 16. Newspaper, magazine, or newsletter article 17. Personal communication 18. Reference work 19. Report 20. Review 21. Software, data set, measurement instrument, apparatus 22. TV or radio 23. Unpublished work
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综合测试题(一) 一、填空 1.构成公文标题的三个基本要素是和 2.按内容的不同划分,可将函划分为性函、性函、性函和性函等几种
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部编版(2016)初中语文九年级下册第二单元综合性学习 岁月如歌――我们的初中生活教案(3)
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新闻标题是新闻的眼睛。美饰新闻的“眼睛”,制作“抢眼”的新闻标题,是记者、编 辑采编新闻的一项基本功。古今中外好新闻中的名标佳作层出不穷,都值得我们学习和 鉴。随着当代社会的发展,新闻写作的进步,“抢眼”的新闻标题制作技巧也有待于进行探 讨和创新。 富有动感
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①简历中的ⅹ和√ ②简历中的“七宗罪” ③简历中的细节 ④简历的检查 ⑤简历的投递 ⑥网申 ① 了解简历 ② 认清自我 ③ 认识企业 ④ 积累人脉 ① 简历的类型 ② 国企简历VS外企简历 ③ 一步一步做简历 准备篇 进阶篇 细节篇 基础篇 案例 ①简历写作三大原则 ②如何在简历中弥补你的劣势 ①高校应届毕业生 ②海归类简历 ③工作类简历 ④求职信
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2008年6月全国大学英语四级考试真题和答案 写作部分(9:009:30) Part I Writing(30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a Letter of Apology according to th utline given below. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese
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The primary task of the writing course is to familiarize and equip students with strategies and skills approaching the academic writing tasks needed in the university, and to meet the requirements of the Band 8 as well as Band 4 examination on writing. In addition, personal and academic development necessities such as creative
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To learn different types of paragraphs and their features. Introduction of different types of paragraphs Definition paragraph When you are writing a definition paragraph, you take a term or an idea and write about what it is. Often, definitions are combined with classification or other forms of organization. You need to give a careful definition of
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