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1. DTFT Properties and Examples 2. Duality in fs& ft 3. Magnitude/Phase of Transforms and Frequency Responses
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Fourier series: Periodic signals and lti Systems ()=∑H(k k= ak一→H(ko)ak “g Soak-→|H(jkco)lkl H(7k)=1H(k0e∠B(ko) or powers of signals get modified through filter/system ncludes both amplitude phase akeJhwon
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Fouriers derivation of the ct fourier transform x(t)-an aperiodic signal view it as the limit of a periodic signal as t→∞ For a periodic signal the harmonic components are spaced Oo=2π/ T apart. AsT→∞,Obo→>0, and harmonic components are space
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Representation of ct signals Approximate any input x(t) as a sum of shifted, scaled
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1Some examples of systems 2 System properties and examples CAusality
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Can be continuous Trajectory of a space shuttle Mass density in a cross-section of a brain · Can be discrete dNa base sequence Digital image pixels Can be 1-D,2-D,·N-D For this course: Focus on a single(1-D) independent variable which we call“time
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第一节汇编语言编程的基本方法 第二节DSP的浮点运算方法 第三节DSP在信号发生器上的应用 第四节用DSP实现FIR滤波器
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2.1概述 2.2频率搜索接收机 2.3比相法瞬时测频接收机 2.4信道化接收机
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1.已知某超外差接受机与射频调谐晶体视频接收机的组成分别如下图,其中的滤波器均为 无冤源网络,试求它们的切线信号灵敏度
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2.题二图所示为搜索式超外差接收机原理图,其侦察频段为f口f2=10002000MH,中放带宽为4,=2MH。现有载频为1200M,脉冲为lμs的常规雷达脉冲进入接收机 (1)画出频率显示器上画面及信号波形,说明波形包络及宽度与哪些因素有关? (2)中频频率f及本振频率f应取多大,为什么? (3)画出接收机各部分频率关系图
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