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Chapter 3 Least Squares Methods for Estimating B Methods for estimat ing B Least squares estimation Maximum like lihood estimation Met hod of moments est imation Least a bsolute deviat ion est imation
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Chapter 2 The Classical Multiple Linear Regression Model 2.1 Linear Regression Model Notation dependent variable, regressand
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Chapter 12 Time Series Analysis 12.1 Stochastic processes A stochastic process is a family of random variables {Xt,t ET}. Example{St,t 0, 1,2,...} where St i=o X; and iid(0,2). St has a different distribution at each point t
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Chapter 11 Heteroskedasticity 11.1 White's test for heteroskedasticity For a model with het eroskedasticity
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CHAPTER 10 GENERALIZED LEAST SQUARES ESTIMATION Chapter 10 Generalized Least Squares Estimation 10.1 Model
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Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 What is econometrics? Application of st atistical and mathematical met hods to the analysis of economic Purposes 1. Testing economic theories 2. Policy analysis(simultaneous equations model, vector autoregressive model
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现年78岁的格林斯潘喜爱音乐和运动,曾在纽约 时报广场派拉蒙剧院下面的一家夜总会里演奏萨克斯 管。音乐梦“破灭”转行经济学,1987年8月开始担 任美联储主席,历经四位总统,迄今已经4次担任此职。 他导引下的美国经济经历过两次衰退、一次股市泡沫和 一次历史上最长的增长期
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一、通货膨胀概述 1通货膨胀。 通货膨胀:在信用货币制度下,流通中的货币超过经济所需要的数量而引起的货币贬值和价格水平全面、持续上涨的经济现象
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模拟试题六 1.某商品X的需求函数为: Qx=197000-100P+50P+0.1m+0.02A 其中:Py=300为商品y的价格; 家庭平均收入m=10000 广告费A=200000
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一、总需求 二、影响总需求变动的因素 三、总供给 四、总供给的变动
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