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一、前言 二、红细胞抗原遗传与新生儿溶血症
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Medical Genetics Any syndrome characterized by malformations or malfunctions in any of the body's systems, and caused by abnormal chromosome number or constitution
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Hemorrhogic Fever Virus Hantaar Virus or HEMORRHAGIC FEVER with renal syndrome virus HFRS Xing Jiang Hemorrhogic Fever Virus Dept. of microbiology and parasitology
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人畜共患病 脊椎动物( vertebrate animals)所患疾病能 通过昆虫媒介直接或间接传递给人类 如果有昆虫参与,这个疾病也称为虫媒疾病 arboviral) 如狂犬病、肾综合症出血热、流行性乙型脑炎 和埃博拉出血热
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Human cytomegalovirus Epstein-Barr- virus Herpes simplex virus Yellow fever virus Rubella
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Live difficult diagnosis clinical picture, skin biopsy, corneal impression(antibodies only appear very late) Dead- brain sent to Onderstepoort Negri bodies in cytoplasm of brain cells; immunofluorescence virus isolation
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球形,100-140nm,有包膜,包■通过血液途径、性 膜外有刺突 途径和垂直传播
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常用统计图 一般概念 条形图( Bar Charts) 圆图( Pie charts) 线图( Line charts)
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直线回归分析 Analyze regression\\ Linear 问题:某地一年级12名女大学生的体重(kg)X与肺活量 (L)Y数据如下表 1、肺活量与体重之间是否有直线关系?如果有直线关系试用直线回归方程描述
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Spearman等级相关分析 Analyze\\ Correlate Bivariate 问题:某地做肝癌病因研究,调查了10个乡肝癌死亡率 (1/10万,用Y表示)与某种食物中黄曲霉素相对 含量(用Ⅹ表示)见下表,试作等级相关分析?
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