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一、骶丛 Sacral plexus 1 Lumbosacral trunk骶千 2 穿出梨状肌上孔 3 臀上神经
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Morphology Muscle belly肌腹 Tendon肌腱 aponeurosis腱膜 Classification Long muscle长肌 Short muscle短肌 Broad muscle阔肌 Orbicular mucle轮匝肌
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. Joints of upper limb ) Joints of shoulder girdle 1. Sternoclavicular joint胸锁关节 1)Composition: sternal end of clavicle,clavicular notch of sternum, and the first costal cartilage
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Classification There are two major types of articulations or joint. Continuous joints Fibrous joints bones are united by fibrous connective tissue Cartilaginous joints bones are united by cartilage Synosteosis Discontinuous joints synovial joints
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