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◼ What are the main challenges of translation and how do organisms overcome them? ◼ What is the organization of nucleotide sequence information in mRNA? ◼ What is the structure of tRNAs, and how do aminoacyl tRNA synthetases recognize and attach the correct amino acids to each tRNA? ◼ How does the ribosome orchestrate the translation process?
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Most of the eukaryotic genes are mosaic (嵌合体), consisting of intervening sequences separating the coding sequence ◼ Exons (外显子): the coding sequences ◼ Introns (内含子) : the intervening sequences ◼ RNA splicing: the process by which introns are removed from the pre￾mRNA. ◼ Alternative splicing (可变剪接): some pre-mRNAs can be spliced in more than one way , generating alternative mRNAs. 60% of the human genes are spliced in this manner
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Although DNA replication, repair, homologous recombination occur with high fidelity to ensure the genome identity between generations, there are genetic processes that rearrange DNA sequences and thus lead to a more dynamic genome structure Two classes of genetic recombination for DNA rearrangement: • Conservative site-specific recombination (CSSR): recombination between two defined sequence elements • Transpositional recombination (Transposition): recombination between specific sequences and nonspecific DNA sites
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1. Please define the term “mutation”, and list the major types of DNA mutations and their corresponding phenotypic effects. (20 points) 2. Please define the term “DNA lesion”. Please list the three types of DNA lesions and the chemical or physical mutagens cause these lesions. (20 points)
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Q1. Prokaryotic cell E. coli consists of a single closed-circular DNA molecule of 4.6 x 106 bp long. This DNA molecule would be 1.6 mm if the double helix is relaxed. Please describe what strategies does E. coli use to pack such a long molecules into its nucleoid less than a micrometer (mm) in diameter. (20 points)
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Q1. Prokaryotic cell E. coli consists of a single closed-circular DNA molecule of 4.6 x 106 bp long. This DNA molecule would be 1.6 mm if the double helix is relaxed. Please describe what strategies does E. coli use to pack such a long molecules into its nucleoid less than a micrometer (mm) in diameter. (20 points)
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一、专业课程 《人体解剖学》 《组织学与胚胎学》 《形态学综合实验》 《生物化学与分子生物学》 《生理学》 《病理学》 《病理生理学》 《药理学》 《机能学综合实验》 《医学微生物学》 《细胞生物学》 《医学免疫学》 《医学心理学》 《卫生法学》 《医学统计学》 《预防医学》 《诊断学》 《医学影像学》 《耳鼻咽喉头颈外科学》 《口腔材料学》 《内科学》 《外科学》 《口腔颌面部解剖学》 《牙体解剖与口腔生理学》 《口腔组织病理学》 《口腔预防医学》 《牙体牙髓病学》 《牙周病学》 《口腔黏膜病学》 《儿童口腔病学》 《口腔颌面外科学》 《口腔修复学》 《口腔正畸学》 《口腔颌面影像诊断学》 二、个性化发展课程 《医学人文》 《口腔医学导论》 《口腔医学史》 《手部技能训练 1》 《手部技能训练 2》 《口腔健康教育实训》 《口腔社区医疗实训》 《学科整合课程》 《医学科研方法》 《口腔临床药物学》 《口腔生物学》 《牙合 学》 《口腔急诊学》 《口腔临床实习教育》 《老年口腔医学》 《口腔医患沟通学》 《口腔专业英语》 《医学伦理学》 《中医学基础》 《儿科学》 《妇产科学》 《口腔种植学》 《口腔诊所开业管理》 《口腔全科整合课程》 《口腔诊所管理学》 《医学信息技术基础》 《传染病学》 《实验动物学》 《细胞培养技术》 《医学遗传学》 三、实践环节 《临床医学实习》 《口腔医学专业实习》 《基础医学综合考试》大纲 《口腔医学综合考试》大纲
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(1)不离开自己的座位。(2)合上书和笔记。(3) 个人只能看和写自己的试卷(4)老师宣布停的时候, 所有学生必须放下自己的笔,眼睛 向前看。(5)老师 宣布收试卷时,试卷必须快速由每排的最左边传向右边, 每排最右边的同学负责把试卷交给当堂助教
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1. What are the gene expression stages that can be regulated? (10 points) Regulated stages in gene expression: (1) transcription initiation (the most important stage): RNAP binding of the promoter, transition from the closed complex to the open complex; promoter escape 4’ (2) stages after initiation (elongation and termination) 2’ (3) RNA processing (alternative splicing) in eukaryotes 2’ (4) translation 2’
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