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8.1 组合变形的概念及工程实例 8.2 两相互垂直平面内的弯曲 8.3 拉伸(压缩)与弯曲 8.4 扭转与弯曲 8.5 连接件的实用计算法 8.6 铆钉连接的计算
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§8-1 堰流及其分类 §8-2 堰流的基本公式 §8-3 薄壁堰 §8-4 实用堰流 §8-5 宽顶堰流 §8-6 小桥孔径水力计算 §8-7 消能池水力计算 §8-8 闸下出流
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1 Introduction 2 SAS Language 2.1 Proc Step and Data Step 2.2 SAS Logical Library 2.2.1 Access SAS file 2.2.2 View SAS library and file 3 SAS Programming 3.1 Reading data by DATA STEP 3.2 Output format 3.3 Manipulate datasets 3.3.1 SET statement 3.3.2 SORT proc 3.4 Logical statements 3.4.1 IF-THEN statement 3.4.2 SELECT-WHEN statement 3.4.3 DO-ENDS statement 3.4.4 DO-WHILE DO-UNTIL statement 3.5 OPERATIONS 4 Basic statistical analysis 4.1 Descriptive Statistics Proc 4.1.1 MEANS proc 4.1.2 SUMMARY proc 4.1.3 UNIVARIATE proc 4.1.4 TABULATE PROC 4.1.5 GCHART proc 4.1.6 GPLOT proc 4.2 INFERENTIAL Statistics 4.2.1 T-TEST 4.2.2 Chi-square tests 4.2.3 Correlation 4.2.4 Regression
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1 Monte Carlo Integration and Variance Reduction 1.1 Monte Carlo Integration 1.1.1 Simple Monte Carlo estimator 1.1.2 Variance and Efficiency 1.2 Variance Reduction 1.3 Antithetic Variables 1.4 Control Variates 1.4.1 Antithetic variate as control variate 1.4.2 Several control variates 1.5 Importance sampling 1.6 Stratified Sampling 1.7 Stratified Importance Sampling
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1 Monte Carlo Methods in Inference 1.1 Monte Carlo Methods for Estimation 1.1.1 Monte Carlo Estimation and Standard Error 1.1.2 Estimation of MSE 1.2 Estimating a confidence level 1.3 Monte Carlo Methods for Hypothesis Tests 1.4 Empirical Type I error rate 1.4.1 Power of a Test 1.4.2 Power Comparisons 1.5 Application: “Count Five” Test for Equal Variance
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1 Bootstrap and Jackknife 1.1 The Bootstrap 1.1.1 Bootstrap Estimation of Standard Error 1.1.2 Bootstrap Estimation of Bias 1.2 Jackknife 1.3 Jackknife-after-Bootstrap 1.4 Bootstrap Confidence Intervals 1.4.1 The Standard Normal Bootstrap Confidence Interval 1.4.2 The Percentile Bootstrap Confidence Interval 1.4.3 The Basic Bootstrap Confidence Interval 1.4.4 The Bootstrap t interval 1.5 Better Bootstrap Confidence Intervals 1.6 Application: Cross Validation
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1 Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods 1.4 The Gibbs Sampler 1.4.1 The Slice Gibbs Sampler 1.5 Monitoring Convergence 1.5.1 Convergence diagnostics plots 1.5.2 Monte Carlo Error 1.5.3 The Gelman-Rubin Method 1.6 WinBUGS Introduction 1.6.1 Building Bayesian models in WinBUGS 1.6.2 Model specification in WinBUGS 1.6.3 Data and initial value specification 1.6.4 Compiling model and simulating values
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1 EM optimization method 1.1 EM algorithm 1.2 Convergence 1.3 Usage in exponential families 1.4 Usage in finite normal mixtures 1.5 Variance estimation 1.5.1 Louis method 1.5.2 SEM algorithm 1.5.3 Bootstrap method 1.5.4 Empirical Information 1.6 EM Variants 1.6.1 Improving the E step 1.6.2 Improving the M step 1.7 Pros and Cons
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1 Numerical optimization methods in R 1.1 Root-finding in one dimension 1.1.1 Bisection method 1.1.2 Brent’s method 1.1.3 Newton’s method 1.1.4 Fisher scoring 1.2 multivariate optimization 1.2.1 Newton’s method and Fisher scoring 1.3 Numerical Integration 1.4 Maximum Likelihood Problems 1.5 Optimization Problems 1.5.1 One-dimension Optimization 1.5.2 multi-dimensional Optimization 1.6 Linear Programming
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1 Programming 1.1 M file 1.1.1 Program Control Statements 1.1.2 M-File Functions 1.2 anonymous functions 2 Computational statistics with Matlab 2.1 Functions on Probability and Statistics 2.1.1 Probability distribution 2.1.2 Descriptive statistics 2.1.3 Statistical plotting 2.1.4 Linear model 2.1.5 Multivariate Statistics 2.2 Monte Carlo with Matlab 2.2.1 Monte Carlo Assessment of Hypothesis Testing 2.2.2 MCMC with matlab 3 Symbolic computation with matlab 3.1 Creating Symbolic Variables and Expressions 3.2 Calculus 4 Optimization 4.1 Unconstrained Minimization Example 4.2 Nonlinear Inequality Constrained Example
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