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Electronic Commerce Prentice Hall © 2006 2 Learning Objectives 1. Define exchanges and describe their major types. 2. Describe the various ownership and revenue models of exchanges. 3. Describe B2B portals. 4. Describe third-party exchanges. 5. Distinguish between purchasing (procurement) and selling consortia
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Electronic Commerce Prentice Hall © 2006 2 Learning Objectives 1. Describe the factors that influence consumer behavior online. 2. Understand the decision-making process of consumer purchasing online. 3. Describe how companies are building one-to-one relationships with customers. 4. Explain how personalization is accomplished online. 5. Discuss the issues of e-loyalty and e-trust in EC. 6. Describe consumer market research in EC
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Electronic Commerce Prentice Hall © 2006 2 Learning Objectives 1. Define e-marketplaces and list their components. 2. List the major types of e-marketplaces and describe their features. 3. Describe the various types of EC intermediaries and their roles. 4. Describe electronic catalogs, shopping carts, and search engines
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一、立项依据和目标 1. 本课题研究意义及同类研究工作国内外研究现状、知识产权状况与存在 问题 人口老龄化成为一个全球性现象,在全世界 186 个国家和地区中,有 1/3 以上的国家和地区已进入“老年型”社会,中国的某些城市也已进入了“老年 型”社会。据联合国估计,1950 年,全世界 60 岁以上的老年人约有 2 亿,1970 年达到 3 亿,2000 年达到 6 亿
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一、选择题 (1)D) (2)A) (3)C) (4)B) (5)D) (6)C) (7)D) (8)B) (9)B) (10)A) (11)A) (12)C) (13)D) (14)B) (15)B) (16)D) (17)B) (18)B) (19)C) (20)D) (21)
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一、选择题 (1)D) (2)A) (3)D) (4)B) (5)A) (6)D) (7)C) (8)D) (9)A) (10)C) (11)D) (12)C) (13)B) (14)A)(15)B) (16)D) (17)B) (18)A) (19)A) (20)A) (21)B) (22)C) (23)D) (24)A)
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一、单项选择题(本大题共 25 小题,每小题 1 分,共 25 分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、 多选或未选均无分。 1.HTML 语言中,设置链接颜色的代码是( C ) A. B. C. D
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一、单项选择题(本大题共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的 括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.要提高放大电路的负载能力,可引入( ) A.串联负反馈 B.电压负反馈 C.并联负反馈 D.电流负反馈
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湖南司法警官职业学院:《管理学基础》2006 年下期期末试卷(C)及答案
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:72KB 文档页数:7
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