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I. Market Failure Market Power Externalities Public Goods Incomplete Information II. Rent Seeking III. Government Policy and International Markets
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I. The Mean and the Variance II. Uncertainty and Consumer Behavior III. Uncertainty and the Firm IV. Uncertainty and the Market V. Auctions
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I. Introduction to Game Theory II. Simultaneous-Move, One-Shot Games III. Infinitely Repeated Games IV. Finitely Repeated Games V. Multistage Games
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I. Perfectly Competition Characteristics and profit outlook Effect of new entrants II. Monopolies Sources of monopoly power. Maximizing monopoly profits. Pros and cons III. Monopolistic Competition
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I. Methods of Procuring Inputs Spot Exchange Contracts Vertical Integration II. Transaction Costs Specialized Investments III. Optimal Procurement Input
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I. Consumer Behavior Indifference Curve Analysis Consumer Preference Ordering II. Constraints The Budget Constraint Changes in Income Changes in Prices III. Consumer Equilibrium
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III. Market Equilibrium IV. Price Restrictions V. Comparative Statics II. Market Supply Curve
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Words and Phrases Listen to some predictions some people have made about the business world in the next 20 years or so. Add missing words to the following statements. Tape 1. There’ll be no more ___________, and businesses will only use ________________
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天津科技大学:国际贸易务实(双语)_Chapter 7 合同的商订和履行 Business Negotiation and Implementation(狄琳娜)
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:1.66MB 文档页数:79
1. Case Study: UPS 2. The key applications in business 3. Strategic Information systems 4. Summary of how IT can be used toimplement Competitive Advantages
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