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为了能够更好地大量利用矿渣、钢渣制备高强建筑材料,实验采用灰色关联分析方法研究了矿渣、钢渣的粒度分布对大掺量矿渣、钢渣胶凝体系抗压强度的影响.矿渣和钢渣掺量分别占胶凝材料总质量的50%和30%,水胶比为0.34.研究表明:粒度小于8.39μm的矿渣、钢渣颗粒对其胶凝体系3 d和28 d抗压强度均起到增强作用,大于8.39μm的矿渣、钢渣颗粒对抗压强度起到削弱作用.为了提高大掺量矿渣、钢渣胶凝体系28d抗压强度,应当主要增加5.03~8.39μm矿渣、钢渣颗粒数量
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《纺织复合材料》课程参考文献(3-D textile reinforcements in composite materials)Index
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《纺织复合材料》课程参考文献(3-D textile reinforcements in composite materials)09 Resin impregnation and prediction of fabric properties
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一、单项选择或填空题 1c2.b3.d4.a5.a6.b7.c8c9.d10.c11.b12.d 13:越大,Li'
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《纺织复合材料》课程参考文献(3-D textile reinforcements in composite materials)07 Braided structures
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《纺织复合材料》课程参考文献(3-D textile reinforcements in composite materials)06 Knitted fabric composites
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《纺织复合材料》课程参考文献(3-D textile reinforcements in composite materials)05 Manufacture and design of composite grids
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一、单项选择题 1.b2.c3.d4.d5.b6.c7.d8.b 二、多项选择题 1. ABC 2. ADB 3. AD 4. ACD 5.ABCD 6. ACD 7. AC 8. AE 9. ACDE 10. ABDE 三、判断题 1.×2.√3.×4.√5.×6.√7.×8.×9.×10.√
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《纺织复合材料》课程参考文献(3-D textile reinforcements in composite materials)03 Mechanical modelling of solid woven fabric composites
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There are many structural configurations where we do not have to deal with the full 3-D case. First let's consider the models Let's then see under what conditions we can apply them A. Plane Stress
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