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第一部分 日常用语: Daily English I:问候、介绍、告别( Greetings、 introductions and farewells) 1、i' 'm fitterelectrician、per).钳工、电工、管子工 2、 He is an inspector(QC).检验员
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(I)Halliday d, Resnick r, Krane K Physics 5th ed. John Wiley Sons, 2002 (2)Ford K w. Classical and Modern Physics. Xerox College publishing, 1972 (3)Alonso M, Finn E J. Fundamental
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第1讲光纤通信概述 1-1光纤、光波;0.85m1.31μm,1.55μm 1-2答:①传输衰减小,传输距离长。 ②频带宽,通信容量大。 ③抗电磁干扰,传输质量好。 ④体积小、重量轻、便于施工。 ⑤原材料丰富,节约有色金属,有利于环保 ⑥易碎不易接续
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Color Atlas of Pharmacology 2nd edition, revised and expanded Heinz Lüllmann, M. D. Professor Emeritus Department of Pharmacology University of Kiel Germany Klaus Mohr, M. D. Professor Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology Institute of Pharmacy University of Bonn Germany Albrecht Ziegler, Ph. D. Professor Department of Pharmacology University of Kiel Germany Detlef Bieger, M. D. Professor Division of Basic Medical Sciences Faculty of Medicine Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John’s, Newfoundland Canada 164 color plates by Jürgen Wirth
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7-42.0×10-2kg氢气装在4.0×10-3m3的容器内,当容器内的压强为 3.90×103Pa时,氢气分子的平均平动动能为多大?
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2-1设n个人围坐在一个圆桌周围,现在从第s个人开始报数,数到第m个人,让他出局; 然后从出局的下一个人重新开始报数,数到第m个人,再让他出局,……,如此反复直到 所有的人全部出局为止。下面要解决的 Josephus问题是:对于任意给定的n,s和m,求 出这n个人的出局序列
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一、钢筋混凝土的缺欠 跨度为5.2m的简支梁,截面尺寸为200×450mm2,作用均布活荷载标准值q=10kN/m,均布恒荷载g=5kN/m
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1-1 直流调速系统用的可控直流电源 1-2 晶闸管-电动机系统(V-M系统)的主要问题
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1紧算子谱的特征 2紧算子构成的算子方程与共轭算子构成的算子方 程解的关系。 Freidhol1m择一定理
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FOUR COLONY MODELS (2) Model of New England (Puritan 1620 in Massachusetts Bay) ↓ Followed the doctrine of John Calvin (everyone had a calling given by God; read the Bible to find God's will and search for one's individual contact with God
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