第一章文献 教科书: (1) Halliday D, Resnick r, Krane K. Physics 5th ed. John Wiley Sons, 2002 (2)Ford K w. Classical and Modern Physics. Xerox College publishing, 1972 (3)Alonso M, Finn E J. Fundamental University Physics. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company (4)Orear J. Physics. Macmillian Publishing Co. Inc, 1979 (5) Feynman R P, Leighton R B, and Sand M. The Feynman Lectures on Physics Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1975 有意思的文献和书 (6)French A P. Is There a Fifth Fundamental Force? Physics Teacher, May 1986 (7)Spielberg N, Anderson B D. Seven Ideas That Shook the Universe. John Wiley Sons, Inc 1985 (8)Einstein A. How I Created the Theory of Relativity. Translated by Yoshimasa Ono A Physics Today, Aug 1982 (9)赵凯华.定性与半定量物理学.北京:高等教育出版社,1991 关于对称破缺的精彩评论 (10)冯端,金国钧.凝聚态物理新论.上海:上海科学技术出版社, 1992.§1.3 西方物理学家对东方思想的评论: (11)Capra F. The Tao of Physics. Berkeley: Shambhala Publications, 1975 (12) Zukav G. The Dancing Wu Li Masters: An Overview of the New Physics. New York Morrow 1979 极好的科普读物: (13)Gamow G, StannardR. The New World of Mr Tompkins: Cambridge University Press 1999 (中译本:伽莫夫斯坦纳德.物理世界奇遇记(最新版).吴伯泽译.长沙:湖南教育出 版社,2000 第二章文献 (1)Alonso M and Finn E. Fundamental University Physics. Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 1978 (2)Moon Francis C. Chaotic Vibrations. John Wiley Sons, 1987 ()Shapiro Ascher H Bath-Tub Vortex. Nature, Dec. 15, 1962 (4) McDonald J E. The Coriolis Effect. Sci. Am., Jan. 1952 (5)Correll M. The Case of the Coriolis Force. Phys. Teacher, Jan. 1976 第三章文献 (1)Czichos H. Tribology. A Systems Approach to the Science and Technology of Friction, Lubrication and Wear. 2nd ed. Elsevier. 1979 (2)Bak P, Tang C. Phys. Today, 1989, 42: S-27 (3)冯端,金国钧.凝聚态物理学新论,上海:上海科学技术出版社,1992.§6.2
第一章文献 教科书: (1) Halliday D, Resnick R, Krane K. Physics 5th ed. John Wiley & Sons, 2002 (2) Ford K W. Classical and Modern Physics. Xerox College publishing, 1972 (3) Alonso M, Finn E J. Fundamental University Physics. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1978 (4) Orear J. Physics. Macmillian Publishing Co. Inc., 1979 (5) Feynman R P, Leighton R B, and Sand M. The Feynman Lectures on Physics. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1975 有意思的文献和书: (6) French A P. Is There a Fifth Fundamental Force? Physics Teacher, May 1986 (7) Spielberg N, Anderson B D. Seven Ideas That Shook the Universe. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1985 (8) Einstein A. How I Created the Theory of Relativity. Translated by Yoshimasa Ono A. Physics Today, Aug.1982 (9) 赵凯华.定性与半定量物理学.北京:高等教育出版社,1991 关于对称破缺的精彩评论: (10) 冯端,金国钧.凝聚态物理新论.上海:上海科学技术出版社, 1992.§1.3 西方物理学家对东方思想的评论: (11) Capra F. The Tao of Physics. Berkeley: Shambhala Publications, 1975 (12) Zukav G. The Dancing Wu Li Masters: An Overview of the New Physics. New York: Morrow, 1979 极好的科普读物: (13) Gamow G, Stannard R. The New World of Mr. Tompkins: Cambridge University Press 1999 (中译本:伽莫夫, 斯坦纳德.物理世界奇遇记(最新版).吴伯泽译.长沙:湖南教育出 版社,2000) 第二章文献 (1) Alonso M and Finn E J. Fundamental University Physics. Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 1978 (2) Moon Francis C. Chaotic Vibrations. John Wiley & Sons, 1987 (3) Shapiro Ascher H. Bath-Tub Vortex. Nature, Dec. 15, 1962 (4) McDonald J E. The Coriolis Effect. Sci. Am., Jan. 1952 (5) Correll M. The Case of the Coriolis Force. Phys. Teacher, Jan. 1976 第三章文献 (1) Czichos H. Tribology. A Systems Approach to the Science and Technology of Friction, Lubrication and Wear. 2nd ed. Elsevier, 1979 (2) Bak P, Tang C. Phys. Today, 1989, 42: S-27 (3) 冯 端,金国钧.凝聚态物理学新论.上海:上海科学技术出版社,1992.§6.2
第四章文献 (1)Wilson C. How did Kepler Discover His First Two Laws. Sci. Am., Mar. 1972 (2)Westfall R S. The Life of Isaac Newton. Cambridge University Press, 1993 ()Frank J, King A R, Raine d j. Accretion Power in Astrophysics. Cambridge University Press 1985 (4) Pringle J E. Accretion Discs in Astrophysics, Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophysics. 1981, 19 137~162 (5)Narlikar J V. The Lighter Side of Gravity. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman and Company, 1982 (6)Peters P C. Black Hole: New Horizons in Gravitational Theory. Am. Scientist, Sept-Oct. 1974 (7)Dicke R H. Eotvos Experiments. Sci. Am., Dec. 1961 (8)Wald R M. Space, Time, and Gravity. Chicago: University of Chicago press, 1977 (9)Goldreich P. Tides and the Earth-Moon System. Sci. Am., April 1972 (10) Solem Johndale C. Density and Size of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 Deduced from a Tidal Breakup Model. Nature, Aug. 1994, 370: 349 (11)Logan J L. Gravitational Waves: a Progress Report. Phys. Today, Mar. 1973 Gravitational Radiation. Phys. Today, Jan 1974: 40 (12)Jeffries A D, et al.. Gravitational Wave Observatories. Sci. Am., 1987, 50: 256 第五章文献 (1)李政道.对称、不对称和粒子世界.北京:科学出版社,1991 (2)Yang C N. The Law of Parity Conservation and Other Symmetry Laws of Physics. Nobel Lecture, December 11, 1957. From Selected Papers 1945-1980 with Commentary (3)Yang C N. Conceptual Beginnings of Various Symmetries in Twentieth Century Physics Chinese j. Phys., 1994, 32: 1437 (4) Yang CN and Mills R L. Conservation of Isotopic Spin and Isotopic Gauge Invariance. Phys Rev.1954.191:96 (5)Feinberg G and Goldhaber M. The Concervation Laws of Physics. Sci. Am., 1963, 36: 209 第六章文献 (1)Kleppner D, Kolenkow R J. An Introduction to Mechanics. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1973 第七章文献 (1)Armstrong H L Effect of the Mass of the Cord on the Period of a Simple Pendulum. A J cs. June (2)Armstrong H L The Oscillating Spring and Weight--An Experiment Often Misinterpreted A.J. Physics31969,37:447-9 (3)Main lain G. Vibration and Waves in Physics. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984 (4)Moon F C Chaotic Vibrations. John Wiley Sons, 1987 (5)陶擎天,赵其昌,沙家正.音频声学测量.北京:中国计量出版社,1986 第八章文献
第四章文献 (1) Wilson C. How did Kepler Discover His First Two Laws. Sci. Am., Mar. 1972 (2) Westfall R S. The Life of Isaac Newton. Cambridge University Press, 1993 (3) Frank J, King A R, Raine D J. Accretion Power in Astrophysics. Cambridge University Press, 1985 (4) Pringle J E. Accretion Discs in Astrophysics, Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophysics. 1981, 19: 137~162 (5) Narlikar J V. The Lighter Side of Gravity. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman and Company, 1982 (6) Peters P C. Black Hole: New Horizons in Gravitational Theory. Am. Scientist, Sept-Oct. 1974 (7) Dicke R H. Eötvös Experiments. Sci. Am., Dec. 1961 (8) Wald R M. Space, Time, and Gravity. Chicago: University of Chicago press, 1977 (9) Goldreich P. Tides and the Earth-Moon System. Sci. Am., April 1972 (10) Solem Johndale C. Density and Size of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 Deduced from a Tidal Breakup Model. Nature, Aug. 1994, 370: 349 (11) Logan J L. Gravitational Waves: a Progress Report. Phys. Today, Mar. 1973 Gravitational Radiation. Phys. Today, Jan 1974: 40 (12) Jeffries A D, et al.. Gravitational Wave Observatories. Sci. Am., 1987, 50: 256 第五章文献 (1) 李政道.对称、不对称和粒子世界.北京:科学出版社,1991 (2) Yang C N. The Law of Parity Conservation and Other Symmetry Laws of Physics. Nobel Lecture, December 11, 1957. From Selected Papers 1945—1980 with Commentary (3) Yang C N. Conceptual Beginnings of Various Symmetries in Twentieth Century Physics. Chinese J. Phys., 1994, 32: 1437 (4) Yang C N and Mills R L. Conservation of Isotopic Spin and Isotopic Gauge Invariance. Phys. Rev.,1954, 191: 96 (5) Feinberg G and Goldhaber M. The Concervation Laws of Physics. Sci. Am., 1963, 36: 209 第六章文献 (1) Kleppner D, Kolenkow R J. An Introduction to Mechanics. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1973 第七章文献 (1) Armstrong H L. Effect of the Mass of the Cord on the Period of a Simple Pendulum. A. J. Physics, June 1976 (2) Armstrong H L. The Oscillating Spring and Weight —An Experiment Often Misinterpreted. A. J. Physics, 1969, 37:447-9 (3) Main Iain G. Vibration and Waves in Physics. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984 (4) Moon F C. Chaotic Vibrations. John Wiley & Sons, 1987 (5) 陶擎天,赵其昌,沙家正.音频声学测量.北京:中国计量出版社,1986 第八章文献
(1)Main lain G. Vibrations and Waves in Physics. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University (2)Rekveld J. On the Teaching of Standing Waves. Am J Phys., Mar 1958 (3)Oliver J Long Earthquake Waves. Sci. Am., Mar 1959 (4 )Newell Alan C Solitons in Mathematics and Physics. CBMS-48, 1985 (5)Maxwell J C. A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field. 1865 第九章文献 (1) Maxwell J C A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field. 1865 (2)Hertz H. Electric Waves. London: MacMillan Co, 1893 (3)Einstein A On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies. Annalen der Physik, 1905, 17: 891 (English translation: The Principle of relativity. with notes by A Sommerfeld, translated by W. Perrett &G.B. jeffrey, 1923, Methuen Co., London; republished by Dover, London 1952) (4)Darwin C G. The Clock Paradox in Relativity. Nature, 1975, 180: 976 (5)Ayres DS. Phys. Rev., 1971, D3: 105 (6) Hafele J C Keating R E. Around the World Atomic Clock: Predicted Relativistic Time Gains. Science,1972,177:166,168 (7)Resnick r Halliday D. Basic Concepts in Relativity and Early Quantum Mechanics. New York: John Wiley Sons, 1985 (8)Russell B. The ABC of Relativity. New York: New American Library, 1958 (9)Taylor E F, Wheeler J A. Spacetime Physics. San Francisco: Freeman, 1966 (10) French A P. Special Relativity. New York: Norton, 1968 (11)Rindler W. Essential Relativity- Special, General, and Cosmological. New York Speringer-Verlag, 1977 (12) Marder L. Time and the Space Traveler. Philadelphia University of Pennsylvania Press, 1971 922年12月14日,爱因斯坦在日本京都作的一次讲演中"澄清”了他1905年提出狭义相对论时是否知 道迈克耳孙-莫雷莱实验,以“平息”日后关于这一问题旷日持久的争论. Yoshimasa a.Ono作了英文翻译 并送发表 (13)Einstein A. How I Created the Theory of Relativity. Phys. Today, August 1982 实际上从爱因斯坦原文可以发现,他提及了“光介质”问题.但是他最关心的显然是电磁现象的相对 性问题(参见§184) (14)Weisskopf V F Aberration and the visual Appearance of Moving Objects. Phys. Today Sept.1960,13 (15)Terrible J. Phys. Rev., 1959, 116: 1041 (16)Penrose R. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., 1959, 55: 137 (17) Barnett L. The Universe and Dr. Einstein. New York: Time Inc, 1962 (18)Gamow G. Mr Tompkins in paperback. Cambridge University Press, 1967
(1) Main Iain G. Vibrations and Waves in Physics. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984 (2) Rekveld J. On the Teaching of Standing Waves. Am. J. Phys., Mar 1958 (3) Oliver J. Long Earthquake Waves. Sci. Am., Mar. 1959 (4) Newell Alan C. Solitons in Mathematics and Physics. CBMS-48, 1985 (5) Maxwell J C. A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field. 1865 第九章文献 (1) Maxwell J C. A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field. 1865 (2) Hertz H. Electric Waves. London: MacMillan & Co., 1893 (3) Einstein A. On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies. Annalen der Physik, 1905, 17: 891 (English translation: The Principle of Relativity. with notes by A. Sommerfeld, translated by W.Perrett & G.B.Jeffrey, 1923, Methuen & Co., London; republished by Dover, London, 1952) (4) Darwin C G. The Clock Paradox in Relativity. Nature, 1975, 180: 976. (5) Ayres D S. Phys. Rev., 1971, D3: 1051 (6) Hafele J C & Keating R E. Around the World Atomic Clock: Predicted Relativistic Time Gains. Science, 1972, 177: 166, 168 (7) Resnick R & Halliday D. Basic Concepts in Relativity and Early Quantum Mechanics. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1985 (8) Russell B. The ABC of Relativity. New York: New American Library, 1958 (9) Taylor E F, Wheeler J A. Spacetime Physics. San Francisco: Freeman, 1966 (10) French A P. Special Relativity. New York: Norton, 1968 (11) Rindler W. Essential Relativity- Special, General, and Cosmological. New York: Speringer-Verlag, 1977 (12) Marder L. Time and the Space Traveler. Philadelphia University of Pennsylvania Press, 1971 1922年12月14日,爱因斯坦在日本京都作的一次讲演中“澄清”了他1905年提出狭义相对论时是否知 道迈克耳孙-莫雷莱实验,以“平息”日后关于这一问题旷日持久的争论.Yoshimasa A. Ono 作了英文翻译 并送发表: (13) Einstein A. How I Created the Theory of Relativity. Phys. Today, August 1982 实际上从爱因斯坦原文可以发现,他提及了“光介质”问题.但是他最关心的显然是电磁现象的相对 性问题(参见§18.4). (14) Weisskopf V F. Aberration and the Visual Appearance of Moving Objects. Phys. Today, Sept. 1960, 13 (15) Terrible J. Phys. Rev., 1959, 116: 1041 (16) Penrose R. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., 1959, 55: 137 (17) Barnett L. The Universe and Dr. Einstein. New York: Time Inc., 1962 (18) Gamow G. Mr. Tompkins in paperback. Cambridge University Press, 1967
第十章文献 ( 1)Zemansky Mark W, Dittman Richard H Heat and Thermodynamics. 6th ed.. McGraw-Hill International, (2)冯端,冯步云.熵.北京:科学出版社,1992 (3)于渌,郝柏林.相变和临界现象.北京:科学出版社,1984 第十一章文献 (1)Landsberg P T. Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics. Oxford University Press, 1978 第十二章文献 (1)冯端,冯步云.熵.北京:科学出版社,1992 (2) Layzer D. The Arrow of Time. Sci. Am., Dec 1975 (3)Prigogine I, et al.. Thermodynamics of Evolution. Physics Today, Nov. 1972 (4)Coveney P, Highfield R. The Arrow of Time. London: W.H. Allen, 1990 (5)Shannon Claude E, Weaver W. The Mathematical Theory of Communication. Urbana University of Illinois Press, 1949 (6)Volkenstein M V. Physics and Biology. New York: Academic Press, Inc., 1982 (7) Landsberg P T. Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics. Oxford University Press, 1978 第十三章文献 (1) Miller R C, Kusch P. Phys. Rev., 1955, 99: 1314 (2)Alonso M, Finn E J. Fundamental University Physics. Addison-Wesley publishing Company 1978. Chapter 15 第十四章文献 (1)Leiden J D van der Waals. On Continuity of Gas and Liquid (2)于渌,郝柏林.相变和临界现象.北京:科学出版社,1992 (3)Bardeen J, Cooper L N, Schrieffer JR. Phys. Rev., 1957, 108: 1175 (4)Bednorz JG, MullerKA. Z. Phys., 1986, B64: 189 (5) Yang Cn.Phys.Rev.,1952,85:808-816 (6)Hoffnagle J, et al. Phys. Rev. Lett., 1988, 61: 255 第十五章文献 (1)Millikan RA. A New Modification of the Cloud Method of Determining the Elementary Electrical Charge and the Most Probable value of that Charge. Phil. Mag, 1910, 19: 209 (2)Felch Suasan B. Searches for Magnetic Monopoles and Fractional Electric Charge. Physics (3)Larue GS, Fairbank WM, Hebard A F. Phys. Rev. Lett., 1977, 38: 1011 (4)LarueG S, Fairbank WM, Phillips J D. Phys. Rev. Lett., 1979, 42: 142 (5)Larue GS, Phillips J D, Fairbank W M. Phys. Rev. Lett., 1981, 46: 967 (6)Goldhaber A S, Nieto MM. The Mass of the Photon. Sci. Am., May 1976
第十章文献 (1) Zemansky Mark W, Dittman Richard H. Heat and Thermodynamics. 6th ed.. McGraw-Hill International, 1981 (2) 冯端,冯步云.熵.北京:科学出版社,1992 (3) 于渌,郝柏林.相变和临界现象.北京:科学出版社,1984 第十一章文献 (1) Landsberg P T. Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics. Oxford University Press, 1978 第十二章文献 (1) 冯端,冯步云.熵.北京:科学出版社,1992 (2) Layzer D. The Arrow of Time. Sci. Am., Dec. 1975 (3) Prigogine I, et al.. Thermodynamics of Evolution. Physics Today, Nov. 1972 (4) Coveney P, Highfield R. The Arrow of Time. London: W. H. Allen, 1990 (5) Shannon Claude E, Weaver W. The Mathematical Theory of Communication. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1949 (6) Volkenstein M V. Physics and Biology. New York: Academic Press, Inc., 1982 (7) Landsberg P T. Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics. Oxford University Press, 1978 第十三章文献 (1) Miller R C, Kusch P. Phys. Rev., 1955, 99: 1314 (2) Alonso M, Finn E J. Fundamental University Physics. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1978. Chapter 15 第十四章文献 (1) Leiden J D van der Waals. On Continuity of Gas and Liquid. (2) 于渌,郝柏林.相变和临界现象.北京:科学出版社,1992 (3) Bardeen J, Cooper L N, Schrieffer J R. Phys. Rev., 1957, 108: 1175 (4) Bednorz J G, Müller K A. Z. Phys., 1986, B64: 189 (5) Yang C N. Phys. Rev., 1952, 85: 808~816 (6) Hoffnagle J, et al.. Phys. Rev. Lett., 1988, 61: 255 第十五章文献 (1) Millikan R A. A New Modification of the Cloud Method of Determining the Elementary Electrical Charge and the Most Probable Value of that Charge. Phil. Mag., 1910, 19: 209 (2) Felch Suasan B. Searches for Magnetic Monopoles and Fractional Electric Charge. Physics Teacher, March 1984 (3) Larue G S, Fairbank W M, Hebard A F. Phys. Rev. Lett., 1977, 38: 1011 (4) Larue G S, Fairbank W M, Phillips J D. Phys. Rev. Lett., 1979, 42: 142 (5) Larue G S, Phillips J D, Fairbank W M. Phys. Rev. Lett., 1981, 46: 967 (6) Goldhaber A S, Nieto M M. The Mass of the Photon. Sci .Am., May 1976
(7)Andrade EN. The Birth of the Nuclear Atom. Sci. Am., Nov. 1956 第十六章文献 (1)Jackson J D. Classical Electrodynamics. 2nd edition. New York: John Wiley Sons, Inc 1975 第十七章文献 (1)Wilson RR. The Batavia accelerator. Sci. Am. Feb. 1974 (2)Klitzing K V, Dorda G, Pepper M. Phys. Rev. Lett., 1980, 45:494 (3)Halperin B I. The Quantized Hall Effect. Sci. Am., 1986, 52:254 (4 )Tsui D C, Stromer H L, Gossard A C. Phys. Rev. Lett., 1982, 49: 1599 第十八章文献 (1) Faraday M. Experimental Researches in Electricity. London: 1839 (2)塔姆HE.电学原理:下册.钱尚武赵祖森译.北京:人民教育出版社,1960.352 第十九章文献 (1)Weiss P Journal de Physique, 1907, 6: 667 (2)Uhlenbeck G E, Goudsmit S Naturwiss, 1925, 13: 953: Nature, 1926, 117: 264 ()Runcorn SK. The Earth's Magnetism. Sci. Am., September (4 )Cox A, Dalrymple G B, Doell R. Reversals of the Earth,s Magnetic Field. Sci. Am (5)Parker E N. The Solar Wind. Sci. Am., April 1964 (6)OBrien B J Radiation Belts. Sci. Am., May 1963 (7)Elvey C T, Roach F E. Aurora and Airglow. Sci. Am., September 1955 第二十章文献 (1)Dirac P A M. Proc. Roy. Soc., 1931, A133: 60. Phys. Rev., 1948, 74: 817 (2)Goldhaber A S. Phys. Rev., 1965, 140B: 1407 (3)Cabrera B. Phys. Rev. Lett., 1982, 48: 1378 (4)Cabrera B, et al. Phys. Rev. Lett., 1983, 51: 1933 (5)Davies Paul Superforce. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1984. 140, 198 (6)Maxwell James Clark. A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field. 1865 (7)Hertz H On electric Waves. London: MacMillan Co, 1893(Maxwell died in 1879) ( 8)Bork A M. Maxwell, Displacement Current, and Symmetry. Amer J. Phys., 1963, 31: 854 第二十一章文献 (1) Penzias aA, Wilson R W. A Measurement of Excess Antenna Temperature at 4080 Mc/s. Ap J,1965,142:420 (2)Peebles PJ E, wikinson D T Primeral Fireball. Sci. Am., June 1976 (3)Hewish A. Pulsars. Sci. Am., Oct. 1968 (4)Ostriker J P. The Nature of Pulsars. Sci. Am., Jan. 197 (5)Davies R D. Radio Emission from Intersteller Neutral Hydrogen. Contemorary Physics, Aug
(7) Andrade E N. The Birth of the Nuclear Atom. Sci. Am., Nov. 1956 第十六章文献 (1) Jackson J D. Classical Electrodynamics. 2nd edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1975 第十七章文献 (1) Wilson R R. The Batavia accelerator. Sci. Am., Feb. 1974 (2) Klitzing K V, Dorda G, Pepper M. Phys. Rev. Lett., 1980, 45: 494 (3) Halperin B I. The Quantized Hall Effect. Sci. Am., 1986, 52: 254 (4) Tsui D C, Strömer H L, Gossard A C. Phys. Rev. Lett., 1982, 49: 1599 第十八章文献 (1) Faraday M. Experimental Researches in Electricity. London: 1839 (2) 塔姆 Н Е.电学原理:下册.钱尚武 赵祖森译.北京:人民教育出版社,1960.352 页 第十九章文献 (1) Weiss P. Journal de Physique, 1907, 6: 667 (2) Uhlenbeck G E, Goudsmit S. Naturwiss, 1925, 13: 953; Nature, 1926, 117: 264 (3) Runcorn S K. The Earth's Magnetism. Sci. Am., September 1955 (4) Cox A, Dalrymple G B, Doell R R. Reversals of the Earth's Magnetic Field. Sci. Am., February 1967 (5) Parker E N. The Solar Wind. Sci. Am., April 1964 (6) O'Brien B J. Radiation Belts. Sci. Am., May 1963 (7) Elvey C T, Roach F E. Aurora and Airglow. Sci. Am., September 1955 第二十章文献 (1) Dirac P A M. Proc. Roy. Soc., 1931, A133: 60. Phys. Rev., 1948, 74: 817 (2) Goldhaber A S. Phys. Rev., 1965, 140B: 1407 (3) Cabrera B. Phys. Rev. Lett., 1982, 48: 1378 (4) Cabrera B, et al.. Phys. Rev. Lett., 1983, 51: 1933 (5) Davies Paul. Superforce. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1984. 140, 198 (6) Maxwell James Clark. A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field. 1865 (7) Hertz H. On electric Waves. London: MacMillan & Co., 1893 (Maxwell died in 1879) (8) Bork A M. Maxwell, Displacement Current, and Symmetry. Amer. J. Phys., 1963, 31: 854 第二十一章文献 (1) Penzias A A, Wilson R W. A Measurement of Excess Antenna Temperature at 4080 Mc/s. Ap. J., 1965, 142: 420 (2) Peebles P J E, Wikinson D T. Primeral Fireball. Sci. Am., June 1976 (3) Hewish A. Pulsars. Sci. Am., Oct. 1968 (4) Ostriker J P. The Nature of Pulsars. Sci. Am., Jan. 1971 (5) Davies R D. Radio Emission from Intersteller Neutral Hydrogen. Contemorary Physics, Aug
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1961 第二十二章文献 (1) Krane K S. Modern Physics. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1983 (2) Rohlf J W. Modern Physics from to Z 0 . New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1994 (3) Rayleigh Lord. Phil. Mag., 1900, 49: 539 (4) Planck M. Verhandl der Deutschen Physical Gesselsch., 1900, 2: 202 (5) Planck M. Scientific Autobiography and Other Papers. London: Williams & Norgate, 1950 (6) Balmer J J. Notiz über die Spectrallinien des Wasserstoffs. Ann. Physik (Neue Folge), 1885, 25: 80~85 (7) Rydberg J R. Recherches sur la constitution des spectres d'émission des éléments chimiques. Kungliga Svenska vetenslaps-akademiens handlingar (4), 1890, 23(11): 1~155 (8) Goldsmith J E M, Weber E W, Hänsch T W. New Measurement of the Rydberg Constant Using Polarization Spectroscopy of Balmer- . J. Opt. Soc. Am., 1978, 68: 1411 第二十三章文献 (1) Heisenberg W. Z. Physik, 1927, 43: 172 (2) Gamow G. The Principle of Uncertainty. Sci. Am., 1958, 198: 51 (3) Jönsson Claus. Am. J. Phys., 1974, 4: 42 第二十四章文献 (1) Einstein Albert, Podolsky Boris, Rosen Nathan. Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete? Phys. Rev., 1935, 47: 777~780 (2) Bohr Niels. Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete? Phys. Rev., 1935, 48: 696~702 (3) Einstein A. Physik und Realität. J. Franklin Institute, 1936, 221: 313~347; Physics and Reality. ibid. 349~382 (trans. Jean Picard) (4) Aspect A, Grangier P and Roger G. Phys. Rev. Let., 1982, 49: 91 Aspect A, Dalibard J and Roger G, Phys. Rev. Let., 1982, 49: 1804 关于STM: (5) Becker R S, et al.. Nature, 1987, 325: 419 (6) Lyo I W, Avouris P. Science, 1991, 253: 173 (7) Quate C F. Nature, 1991, 571 (8) Eigler D M, Lutz C P, Rudge W E. Nature, 1991, 352: 600 第二十五章文献 (1) Hughes V H. Sci. Am., April 1966 (2) Burhop E H S. Contemoporary Phys. July 1970 (3) 爱因斯坦.爱因斯坦文集第二卷:关于辐射的量子理论.北京:商务印书馆, 1977 (4) Garmire E. Applications of Lasers. in Fundamentals of Physics by D. Halliday and R. Resnick. third edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1988: Essay 19 (5) 冯端,冯步云.晶态面面观──漫谈凝聚态物质之一.长沙:湖南教育出版社,1994 (6) Watson J D. The Double Helix. New York: Atheneum,1968
(7)Watson J D and Crick F H C Molecular Structure of Nuclei Acids: a Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid. Nature, 1953, 171: 737-738 (8)Watson J D and Crick F H C Genetic Implication of the Structure of Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid. Nature,1953,171:964~967 第二十六章文献 (1)Karplus M, Porter R N. Atoms and Molecules. Menlo Park: w.A. Benjamin, 1970 (2)Pauling L. The Chemical Bond. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1967 (3) Turner B E. Interstellar Molecules. Sci. Am., Mar. 1973, 228: 50 (4) Zuckerman B Interstellar Molecules. Nature, August 1977, 268: 491 (5)Blumel R, et al.. Atoms, Molecules, and Clusters. Z. Phys., 1987, D6: 83 (6)蔡建华.量子力学.北京:人民教育出版社,1980.§38 (7)库尔森CA原著,麦克威尼R修订,佘敬曾译.原子价.第二版北京:科学出版社 1986 (8)冯端,金国钧.凝聚态物理新论.上海:上海科学技术出版社,1992,§5.2 (9)Dickerson R E. The DNA Helix and How It Is Read. Sci. Am., 1983, 249: 87-102 (10) Avetisov V A, Goldanskii V I, and Kuz'min V V. Handness, Origin of Life and Evolution Phys. Today, July 1991, 33-4 (11) Watson J D and Crick F H C. Molecular Structure of Nuclei Acids: a Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid. Nature, 1953, 171: 737-738 (12)Watson J D and Crick F H C Genetic Implication of the Structure of Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid. Nature.1953.171:964~967 第二十七章文献 玻色( Satyendra Nath Bose,1894-1974)印度物理学家,1924年他将题为《普朗克定律和光量子假说》一文 寄给爱因斯坦.爱因斯坦亲自把它从英文译成德文,并加上译者注以后于1924年7月2日寄到柏林《物 理学期刊》( zeitschrift fur Physik)发表.随后爱因斯坦发表了论文《单原子理想气体的量子理论》两篇: Sitzungsber. preuss. Akad. Wiss, Phy-math. 1924, KI. XXll: 261-267: 1925, 1: 3-14 (1)Anderson M H, Ensher JR, Matthews MR Wieman C E, Cornell E A. Science, 1995, 269 (2)Collins Graham P Gaseous Bose-Einstein Condensate Finally Observed Physics Today, Aug 1995,48:17 (3)Davis K B, Mewes M-O, Andrews MR van Druten NJ, Durfee DS, Kurn D M, Ketterle M Phys.Rev.Let1,1995,75:3969 (4)Physics Today, Dec. 1995, 9 (5)Bradley CC, Sackett C A, Tollett J J, Hulet R G. Evidence of Bose-Einstein Condensation in an Atomic Gas with Attractive Interactions. Phys. Rev. Lett., 1995, 75: 1687 (6) Collins Graham P. Experimenters Produce New Bose-Einstein Condensate(s)and Possible Puzzles for Theorists. Physics Today, March 1996: 18 第二十八章文献 液体硬球任意密积模型: (1) Bernal J D. Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A, 1964, 280: 299
(7) Watson J D and Crick F H C. Molecular Structure of Nuclei Acids: a Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid. Nature, 1953, 171: 737~738 (8) Watson J D and Crick F H C. Genetic Implication of the Structure of Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid. Nature, 1953, 171: 964~967 第二十六章文献 (1) Karplus M, Porter R N. Atoms and Molecules. Menlo Park: W. A. Benjamin, 1970 (2) Pauling L. The Chemical Bond. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1967 (3) Turner B E. Interstellar Molecules. Sci. Am., Mar. 1973, 228: 50 (4) Zuckerman B. Interstellar Molecules. Nature, August 1977, 268: 491 (5) Blumel R, et al.. Atoms, Molecules, and Clusters. Z. Phys., 1987, D6: 83 (6) 蔡建华.量子力学.北京:人民教育出版社,1980.§38 (7) 库尔森 C A 原著,麦克威尼 R 修订,佘敬曾译.原子价.第二版.北京:科学出版社, 1986 (8) 冯端,金国钧.凝聚态物理新论.上海:上海科学技术出版社,1992,§5.2 (9) Dickerson R E. The DNA Helix and How It Is Read. Sci. Am., 1983, 249: 87~102 (10) Avetisov V A, Goldanskii V I, and Kuz’min V V. Handness, Origin of Life and Evolution. Phys. Today, July 1991, 33~41 (11) Watson J D and Crick F H C. Molecular Structure of Nuclei Acids: a Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid. Nature, 1953, 171: 737~738 (12) Watson J D and Crick F H C. Genetic Implication of the Structure of Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid. Nature, 1953, 171: 964~967 第二十七章文献 玻色(Satyendra Nath Bose, 1894—1974) 印度物理学家.1924年他将题为《普朗克定律和光量子假说》一文 寄给爱因斯坦.爱因斯坦亲自把它从英文译成德文,并加上译者注以后于1924年7月2日寄到柏林《物 理学期刊》(Zeitschrift fur Physik)发表.随后爱因斯坦发表了论文《单原子理想气体的量子理论》两篇: Sitzungsber. preuss. Akad. Wiss., Phy-math. 1924, Kl. XXII: 261~267 ; 1925, I: 3~14 (1) Anderson M H, Ensher J R, Matthews M R, Wieman C E, Cornell E A. Science, 1995, 269: 198 (2) Collins Graham P. Gaseous Bose-Einstein Condensate Finally Observed. Physics Today, Aug. 1995, 48: 17 (3) Davis K B, Mewes M -O, Andrews M R, van Druten N J, Durfee D S, Kurn D M, Ketterle M. Phys. Rev. Lett., 1995, 75: 3969 (4) Physics Today, Dec. 1995, 9 (5) Bradley C C, Sackett C A, Tollett J J, Hulet R G. Evidence of Bose-Einstein Condensation in an Atomic Gas with Attractive Interactions. Phys. Rev. Lett. , 1995, 75: 1687 (6) Collins Graham P. Experimenters Produce New Bose-Einstein Condensate(s) and Possible Puzzles for Theorists. Physics Today, March 1996: 18 第二十八章文献 液体硬球任意密积模型: (1) Bernal J D. Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A, 1964, 280: 299
液晶 (2)Chandrasekhar S. Structure Classification of Thermotropic Liquid Crystal in Polymers, Liquid Crystals, and Low-Dimensional Solids. ed. Norman March and Mario Tosi. New York: Plenum Press. 1984 潘洛斯拼砌等: (3)Penrose R. Bull. Inst Maths. Its Appl., 1974, 10: 266 (4)Mackay A L Physica, 1982, A144: 609 计算机模拟 (5)Steinhardt P J, Nelson DR, Ronchetti M. Phys. Rev. Lett., 1983, B28: 784 实验发现铝锰合金中的二十面体相 (6)Shechtman D, et al.. Phys Rev. Lett., 1984, 53: 1951 准晶的系统理论: (7)Levine D, Steinhardt P J. Quaicrystal: A New Class of Ordered Structures. Phys. Rev.Lett 1984,53:2477,Phys.Rev,1986,B34:596 ( 8)Socolar J E, Steinhardt PJ. Phys. Rev., 1986, B34: 617 (9)Henley C L Comments in Condensed Matter Physics, 1987, 13 分形: (10)Mandelbrot. Fractals, Forms, Chance, and Dimension. San Francisco, CA: W. H. Freeman, 1977 (11)Kroto H W, Heath JR, O'Brien S C, Curl R F, Smalley R E Nature(London), 1985, 318: 162 (12)Kratschmer W, Lamb Lowell D, Fositiropoulos K, Huffman Donald R Nature(London) 1990,347:354 (13) Times,1992,29:18 (14)Span G, et al ce,l991,252:1829 凝聚态物质 (15)冯端,金国钧.凝聚态物理新论.上海:上海科学技术出版社,1992 (16)冯端,冯步云,晶态面面观—漫谈凝聚态物质之一.长沙:湖南教育出版社,1994 (17)冯端,冯步云.放眼晶态之外—漫谈凝聚态物质之二.长沙:湖南教育出版社,1994 第二十九章文献 (1)Halliday D, Resnick R. Basic Concepts in Relativity and Early Quantum Theory. appendix 1-2 (2) Fermi E. Zf physik, 1934, 88: 161 (3)Cowan Jr CL, Reines F, Harrison F B, Kruse H W, McGuire A D. Science, 1956, 154: 103 (4)Wu C s. The Neutrino. in Theoretical Physics in the Twentieth Century.(Fierz M and Weisskopf V F, editors) London: Interscience Publishers, 196 (5)Cowar G A. A Natural Fission Reactor. Sci. Am., July 1976
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