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一、基因表达的概念 1、基因(gene):从遗传学讲,基因就是遗传的基本单位或单元,具有编码RNA或多数情况下编码多肽功能的信息单位。从分子生物学看,基因是负载特定遗传信息的DNA分子片段
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第二章证券市场 第一节证券市场概述 第二节证券市场的功能 第三节证券发行市场 第四节证券交易市场 第五节证券交易程序 第六节证券价格指数
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Symbolism and Ritual It's a huge topic, it could cover a whole course 1. Two examples: a. Mariage ritual from the Kuna called\the dragging' i. Bride and groom would not choose each other, but their parents would arrange the marriage secretly. The groom's friends would traditionally surprise him and drag him down the street. (Now a days, they don't fight back so hard and they know ahead of time)
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一、形式美 1、美的形式与形式美 内容:构成事物内在要素的总和,是事物的本质方面,实质所在。 形式:内容的内部结构及外观表现。 内形式:内容诸要素的内在结构方式
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一、教学目的及要求 通过本章教学,使学生: 1.熟悉会计凭证与会计账簿的含义和种类 2.理解审核凭证与正确填制凭证的重要意义; 3.掌握会计凭证的填制方法 4.了解会计凭证的传递和保管; 5.理解设置和登记账簿对于系统地提供经济信息、加强经济管理的作用
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从学术上来讲,CAD就是计算机辅助设计(Computer Aided Design)的简写,1972年10月,国际信息处理联 合会(IFIP)在荷兰召开的“关于CAD原理的工作会议” 上给出如下定义:CAD是一种技术,其中人与计算机结 合为一个问题求解组,紧密配合,发挥各自所长,从 而使其工作优于每一方,并为应用多学科方法的综合 性协作提供了可能
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Ethnography 1. INTRO Originally people who studied cultures were amateurs who happened to either be particularly observant or who happened to travel a lot. Some of them did more or less what people did today. a. Ibn Khaldun was a famous Arab scholar who did observations of everyone, including the Vikings
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1. INTRO We all suffer in writing, one way or another. We have trouble writing or we get writer's block. But there are ways to go at it that are less painful. a. Divide and conquer the rules of writing. Taking them one at a time will make learning the rules earlier. i. We'll keep nagging you on your writing. Take the time to go over the comments we write on your papers
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一、血细胞的生成与发育 二、正常血细胞形态 三、常用血细胞化学染色 四、骨髓细胞检查的临床意义 五、常见血液病血细胞特征 六、急性白血病的MICM分型
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一、学习环境概述 二、基于建构主义的学习环境 三、学习环境的设计
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