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1、数组:一组具有相同数据类型的数据的有序的集合。 2、数组元素:数组中的元素。数组中的每一个数组元素具有相同的名称,不同的下标,可以作为单个变量使用,所以也称为下标变量。在定义一个数组后,在内存中使用一片连续的空间依次存放数组的各个元素
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一、特点:有限次的重复某个操作。 二、在C语言中,引入 while语句、do- while语句和for语句三种循环结构来处理此类问题
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·提起古典园林,人们会很自然地联 , 想到楼台亭阁,假山池沼,曲径小 路,嘉树奇葩。这些联想是符合事 实的,它正表明我国古典园林所具 有的立体形象和多种艺术风格
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机械振动在介质中的传播称为机械波。 声波、水波 波动是一切微观粒子的属性, 与微观粒子对应的波称为物质波。 各种类型的波有其特殊性,但也有普遍的共性 ,有类似的波动方程
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N ow that we're familiar with the structure and preparation of alkenes, let's look at their chemical reactions. The characteristic reaction of alkenes is addition to the double bond according to the general equation:
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this chapter and the next we extend our coverage of conjugated systems to include arenes. Arenes are hydrocarbons based on the benzene ring as a structural unit. Ben- are zene, toluene, and naphthalene, for example, are arenes
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the preceding chapter the special stability of benzene was described, along with reac- tions in which an aromatic ring was present as a substituent. In the present chapter we move from considering the aromatic ring as a substituent to studying it as a functional
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he next several chapters deal with the chemistry of various oxygen-containing functional groups. The interplay of these important classes of compounds-alco- hols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, and derivatives of carboxylic acids-is fundamental to organic chemistry and biochemistry
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ADDITION TO THE CARBONYL GROUP Idehydes and ketones contain an acyl group RC-bonded either to hydrogen or to another carbon
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ACYL SUBSTITUTION his chapter differs from preceding ones in that it deals with several related classes of compounds rather than just one. Included are 1. Acyl chlorides, RCCI 2. Carboxylic acid anhydrides, RCOCR 3. Esters of carboxylic acids, RCOR'99
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