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磷是作物必需的三要素之一 磷肥是世界上仅次于氮肥的主要肥料产品 磷在自然界中一般不以游离态(元素态)存在,而以磷酸盐形 式存在于矿物中。最常见的含磷矿物是磷灰石,通式为 Ca5X(PO4)3,其中X代表一F,-OH或-Cl等。最常见的氟磷灰 石的化学式为CaF(PO4)3。1989、1990年度,我国生产各种磷肥 453万吨(P2O5),居世界第二位
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一、意义 根系具有吸收养分、水分、支持植株和合成有机物的能力。它是作物赖以生存的基础。 根系的生长和地上部的生长是密切相关的和互为依存的,根系生长好才能保证地上部各器官 也相应地繁茂茁壮。因此,研究根系的活力对于搞清作物的根部营养,提高作物根系吸收养 分、水分能力等具有重要的实际意义。 在科学研究中常把根系的呼吸强度、阳离子代换量(C)、对有色物质的吸附量和ATP 酶的活性等作为作物根系活力的指标
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Plant nitrogen 1.1 Uptake of N 1. N is required by plants in large amounts Most plant material contains 2-4%N and 40%C. 2. N is usually the limiting nutrient in unfertilized systems 3. Most n is taken up from the soil in the form of nht or no a small amount of NH3 can be absorbed through the leaves N2 can be used by legume plant via biological nitrogen fiXation
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Phosphorus in plant physiology P content of plants Approximately 0.2% of plant dry weight is P Plants require a relatively large amount of P. The phosphate concentration in the cytosol is maintained at fairly constant concentrations in the 5 to 8 mol/m3 regardless of the external phosphate concentration except under severe P deficiency. By contrast is the vacuolar phosphate concentration
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Acknowledge I expresses thanks to Assoc. Prof. rob Reid of Adelaide university of Australia, Dr Jeff Gale, foreign teacher of northwest A&F University of China, and Prof. Zhang Fusuo, Prof. Li Xiaolin of China Agriculture University, Prof Liu Yuanyin of Northeast agriculture Unversity and other authors who provide materials for me, or whose materials, such as photographs and figures etc, I used in the lectures
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第一节复(混)合肥料的概念 第二节复(混)合肥料的成分、性质与施用 第三节复(混)肥料的合理施用
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第一节有机肥料的营养作用 第二节有机肥料在农业生产中的作用 第三节有机肥料的种类、性质和施用 第四节有机肥料的特点与合理施用
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Class Test 3 Translate the following terms (1) Homogeneous and homozygous Cultivars同质纯合型品种 (2) Homogeneous and heterozygous Cultivars同质杂合型品种 (3) Heterogeneous and homozygous Cultivars异质纯合型品种 (4) Heterogeneous and heterozygous Cultivars异质杂合型品种
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The short distance transports of nutrients There are two main steps nutrients translocation in plant after nutrients absorbed by the root. One is the centripetal transport from the rhizoplane through the cortex tissue of the roots towards the xylem vessels of the central cylinder. Another one is the vertical transport from from the root towards the leaves
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草本,稀为木质藤本。汁液乳状,水状或有辛辣味,常具草 酸钙结晶。有根状茎或块茎 叶基出或茎生,单叶或复叶,叶形和叶脉不一,基部常具膜 质鞘
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