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《新编大学英语》翻译教学课件(PPT讲稿,第三版第一册,Translation and Writing)06 词类转译(2)其他词类转换2
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:1.37MB 文档页数:15
《新编大学英语》翻译教学课件(PPT讲稿,第三版第一册,Translation and Writing)06 词类转译(2)其他词类转换1
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:523.5KB 文档页数:12
《新编大学英语》翻译教学课件(PPT讲稿,第三版第一册,Translation and Writing)02 英汉词汇比较1
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Jack is going to graduate from university soon, yet he hasn't found a proper job What am I supposed to do to find a job? Please, give me a hand
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1. I saw Simon shortly before his departure for Russia. 2. His parents will depart for Hawaii tomorrow from Heathrow airport
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Text Analysis Summary Main idea and devices Blankfilling for developing Exercises ④4 Paragraph Writing All the exercises for section a Tips for Para. Writing
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《新编大学英语》课程教学资源(讲稿)第1册:Unit 10 Man and Animals
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1 Background Information 2 Text Analysis 3 Lanquage Points
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Text The Washwoman Background Information 1 Introduction 2 Language Points 3 Exercises
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• Lead-in Activities • Text Organization • Reading and Writing Skills • Language Points • Guided Practice • Assignment
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